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How to Find Shows to Appear on as a Podcast Guest

October 7, 2023

How to Find Shows to Appear on as a Podcast Guest

Becoming a podcast guest is a brilliant way to increase your visibility, cultivate growth, and ultimately enhance your revenue. However, to take advantage of this opportunity, you have to know where to start.

Knowing which podcasts are most relevant to your target audience is essential. You can do this by clearly defining your ideal client and considering the types of podcasts they might enjoy listening to. Once you've identified your target podcast, you can start working on your pitch.

When searching for podcasts to pitch, it's important to put yourself in the host's shoes. You need to ask yourself whether your area of expertise is relevant to their audience and whether you can provide value to their show. By doing so, you can tailor your pitch to the host's needs, making it more likely they'll accept you as a podcast guest.

The goal of pitching is to create a mutually beneficial relationship that is valuable for both parties and their listeners. You want to showcase your expertise and provide value to the host's audience while expanding your reach and growing your business. With some preparation and a bit of luck, you'll be well on your way to guesting on your dream podcast.

So how can you find the perfect show to appear an as a podcast guest?

Free Podcast Search Engines (Podcast Directories)

Podcast directories are online platforms that serve as a database of podcasts where you can browse, search, and discover different podcasts based on your interests. Many popular podcast directories, such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify, offer a range of features that make it easy to find relevant podcasts, such as search tools, browsing categories, and recommendations.

Using these free podcast search engines, you can easily find podcasts related to your niche and areas of expertise. You can search for podcasts by topic, genre, and keywords to find shows that cover the subjects you are interested in.

Once you find a podcast you are interested in, you can listen to a few episodes to gauge whether it is a good fit for you to appear as a guest.

Here are ways that you can use podcast directories to find shows that are a good fit for your area of expertise:

  • Search by Topic: Looking for podcasts that fit your expertise can be easy if you use the search function available in most podcast directories. Just type in a specific topic or keyword related to your field, and you'll get a list of relevant podcasts. This is an efficient way to find shows that cover topics that align with your expertise.
  • Browse Apple Categories: In Apple Podcasts, you can select two categories, the most important of which is your preferred category. Choose the most appropriate category for your show below. Apple Podcasts and other directories will index this. It's the one that will be seen the most, so make it count!
  • Check Ratings and Reviews: Ratings and reviews from other listeners can help you find popular and well-respected podcasts in your field. You can look for shows with high ratings and positive reviews from other listeners to identify the most popular podcasts. This can give you an idea of which shows might be a good fit for you as a guest.
  • Look for Podcast Guest Suggestions: Some podcasts have episodes that feature guests recommending other podcasts they've appeared on or enjoyed listening to. This can be an effective way to find shows that align with your expertise. You can also look for blog posts or social media posts by other guests or hosts recommending other podcasts in your field. Read more.
  • Use Podcast Directories that Cater to Specific Topics: Podcast directories focus on specific topics or industries. For example, if you're a business consultant, you can check out podcast directories specializing in business and entrepreneurship. These directories are a fantastic way to find highly relevant podcasts for your area of expertise. You can also use these directories to discover new podcasts you may not have been aware of before.

Work With A Public Relations (PR) Agency

If you're looking for a more hands-off approach to finding shows to appear as a podcast guest, consider working with an agency. These agencies can be a valuable resource in helping you find a consistent stream of podcasts that align with your interests and area of expertise.

One of the most significant advantages of working with an agency is that they can help you connect with podcast guest requests from other clients. They have a network of contacts within the industry and can pitch your expertise to podcast hosts on your behalf. This can save you time and effort, as you don't have to search for podcast opportunities yourself actively.

Moreover, agencies can help you craft a pitch that highlights your strengths and aligns with the interests of the podcast hosts. They can also guide how to structure your pitch to increase your chances of being accepted as a podcast guest.

Of course, working with an agency comes at a cost. It's the most expensive option, but it may be worth it for the convenience and access to their established network. However, it's essential to research and find a reputable agency with a track record of success in placing their clients on relevant podcasts.

Although working with an agency may not be the most affordable option, they can save you time and effort in finding podcast guest opportunities — and can provide you with valuable connections in the industry.

Now if you've decided to work with a PR agency, consider these things before you decide on one:

  • Reputation: Look for an agency with a solid reputation for quality and professionalism. Research the agency and its clients to ensure that they have a good track record.
  • Expertise: Look for an agency that has experience working in your industry or area of expertise. They should clearly understand your brand and goals, and be able to match you with podcasts that align with your messaging.
  • Connections: A good agency should have established relationships with podcast hosts and producers, making it easier to secure guest appearances on relevant shows.
  • Communication: Look for an agency that communicates clearly and consistently. They should keep you informed about opportunities, respond to your questions in a timely manner, and provide regular updates on your progress.
  • Fees: Consider the agency's fee structure and make sure it aligns with your budget and expectations. Some agencies charge a percentage of your earnings, while others charge a flat fee or even combination of both. Make sure you understand the agency's pricing before committing to work with them.

Leverage PR Websites

Websites designed like marketplaces are a popular resource for finding podcast guest opportunities. Many podcasters use these sites to find guests for their shows, which is an excellent way to find podcasts currently seeking guests. You can browse the profiles of podcasters and see the type of guests they are looking for, as well as the topics they cover.

By creating a profile on these sites, you can stay up-to-date on new guest opportunities via email notifications. This is an excellent way to receive personalized, curated guest opportunities that match your area of expertise. You can also take the initiative to browse the platform's database of shows to find podcasts that align with your knowledge and skills.

However, it's essential to note that these marketplaces only represent a small portion of podcasts that accept guests. This means that the pool of podcasts available for guest appearances is limited, and you may have to do more digging to find additional opportunities.

Additionally, comparing podcasts using these platforms can be challenging as you may need access to all the information you need to find out which hosts to contact. This can be difficult, especially if you're looking for shows with a specific audience, format, or other criteria. You may need to do additional research and a little digging to get all the necessary information and make sure the podcast you're considering aligns with your target audience and fits your goals.

Tap Into Your Network

Podcast networks can be a valuable resource for finding shows to be a guest on as a podcast host. When you join a network, you'll have access to other podcasters who are likely to have their own shows or have connections to other shows in the industry.

Being a part of a podcast network opens up the door to a whole new level of collaboration and networking. As a member, you will have the opportunity to connect and engage with other podcasters within the network, potentially leading to guest appearances on their shows. Since you're all creating content within the same niche or industry, your expertise will likely be valuable to their audiences, and vice versa.

In addition, being part of a network means that you will be affiliated with a larger brand, and this can lead to opportunities to be featured on other podcasts outside of the network as well. The network's reputation and connections may give you an advantage when reaching out to potential hosts, as they may be more willing to feature you as a guest if you are part of a reputable network.

Cross-promotion is also a significant advantage of being part of a podcast network. By promoting each other's shows, you'll be able to leverage the network's audience and exposure, potentially leading to more listeners and growth for your show. This can lead to even more opportunities for collaboration and guest appearances in the future.

Social Media Channels

Find Facebook Groups designed to help hosts find podcast guests. You can start by searching for keywords like “podcast guest,” “podcast interview,” or “podcast appearance” in the Facebook search bar. Then, filter your results by selecting the “Groups” option. You can also try to join groups related to your industry or niche, as many of these groups have members who are podcast hosts looking for guests.

Once you join a group, be sure to read posts regularly, offer helpful answers to questions, and engage in conversations. This will help you establish relationships with other members and increase your chances of being chosen as a podcast guest on their show. You can also post a brief introduction of yourself and your expertise to let other members know that you are available for guest appearances.

Being active in Facebook Groups designed for podcast guests can give you limitless opportunities. Consistent engagement in the group can help you build a network of professionals in your industry and create strong relationships with podcast hosts. By being a valuable contributor in the group, other members will recognize your expertise and may even invite you to be a podcast guest on their show.

Actively engaging in the group can provide you with an opportunity to showcase your knowledge and expertise, which can help you gain valuable exposure and reach a wider audience. You may also find it easy to connect with podcasters who are actively seeking guests in your niche. This can lead to a range of guest appearance opportunities that may not have been available to you otherwise.

Another advantage of being part of an active Facebook group is that the group is constantly growing. As the group expands, new hosts and guests are added, which means that there are always new opportunities to explore. By staying engaged and keeping an eye on new posts, you can find the right opportunities to help you grow your network and increase your visibility in your industry.

Get Your Outreach Emails Ready

Once you have compiled a list of podcasts that you want to target for your podcast guest appearance, it's time to reach out to the hosts. While there are various ways to contact hosts, email is the most common and effective way to do so. Although it may feel intimidating, it's important to be confident and not shy away from making contact with potential hosts.

Remember, if you don't ask, you don't get. In your outreach email, you need to introduce yourself, explain why you want to be on their show, and highlight the value that you can bring to their audience.

The goal of your email is to show the host that you are a valuable podcast guest who can provide their audience with relevant and useful information. You should also include information about your expertise, relevant experiences, and any previous guest appearances. This can help you stand out and convince the host that you are a worthwhile guest.

Crafting a compelling email that convinces the host to invite you as a guest requires a little effort, but it's worth it. Remember to personalize your emails, be respectful of their time, and offer to provide any additional information that they may need.

With a little bit of persistence and a well-crafted email, you can secure a guest appearance on a podcast and expand your audience.

What Will You Talk About?

Interviews are so valuable for podcast guests and podcasters alike, so you owe it to yourself to make sure you'll ace your next interview. As a podcast guest, your main goal should be to bring value to the audience by sharing your expertise, knowledge, and insights.

Here are some actionable tips you can do to make the most of your podcast guest appearance:

First, get to know the host's work

After listening to an episode or two, you'll likely have a sense of the podcast's format and the host's approach to pre-recording preparation.

Getting the host on your side is the key to winning over the audience. However, the audience won't tune in or stick around if the interaction between the podcast guest (that's you) and host (or hosts) isn't revving.

Do some research on the host. Listen to some episodes before you appear. Before you appear, listen to a few episodes. Try to get a sense of their interviewing technique and get acquainted with the topics that will pique the host's interest. It's important to understand these factors before stepping into the guest mic. This will allow you to prepare and adjust your approach accordingly.

Each host has a unique style, and some may provide detailed outlines and lists of questions, while others may only give a general topic. It's important to work with the host's process, whether it's highly structured or more free-form. However, if the host hasn't provided a specific structure, it's recommended to develop your own version of the process.

So spend some time getting to know the host. It will increase the show's attention and boost your profile.

Suggest some talking points

If you're worried about leaving anything to chance during your podcast interview, consider sending the host a few friendly suggestions or an outline of the topics you want to cover beforehand. This can help ensure that your main points are addressed and that you come across as well-prepared and professional. Read more.

However, keep in mind that some hosts prefer spontaneous conversation over pre-written questions or outlines, so it's a great idea to check with them first before sending anything.

Another helpful tip is to scroll through the podcast's episode list and check out the interviews with any guests from your field of expertise. By doing so, you can gain a better understanding of what topics have already been covered and avoid rehashing old information.

Plus, you can identify areas that haven't been discussed and think about how you can add unique value to the conversation. This will help you stand out and make a lasting impression on the listeners.

Put yourself in the listener’s shoes

An amazing podcast guest is someone who can help the host and their audience in understanding a topic. You should be able to articulate yourself clearly, keep your responses brief and fascinating, and take advantage of the opportunity to walk your listeners through something you're enthusiastic about.

If you want to be a great podcast guest, I recommend you put yourself in the shoes of a new listener. What would you like to hear if you'd never heard of podcasts before? What image do you want them to project? What inquiries would you make? How would they tackle the subject? After you've completed this, consider how it might relate to your podcast. If you can't imagine yourself listening to the podcast, you're probably not ready to be on the show yet.

Make sure to identify a few key takeaways you want listeners to glean from your interview. What knowledge or insights do you want them to leave with? By clarifying these points, you can ensure that your time as a podcast guest is well-spent and that your message resonates with the audience.

Answer questions with concise, actionable information

I've been a podcast host, a passionate podcast listener, and a guest on dozens of podcasts, and what I've discovered through time is that exceptional podcast guests answer topics concisely and with actionable information.

They do not over-explain or repeat themselves, and they give concepts or information that listeners may apply. What they do instead is provide context, offer the recommendation or truth sought by the host, and then explain what listeners can do with that information.

Always give the host what they're asking for

Remember, it's not about you—you're going on this show to make the host look wonderful. You want the host to enjoy the episode and spread it far and wide. So go in with some humility. Remember that you are being allowed to speak in front of an audience. That is amazing.

Respond to their questions and tell them what they're looking for. And if the host asks you about your biggest failure, don't spin it into your greatest achievement. Tell them about the time you fell on your face. It's their show, so respect and honor the opportunity they've provided for you.

Trying to figure out how to be the best podcast guest may be a lengthy and often tedious process. Managing your brand's exposure can become a full-time job, from researching podcasts to curating your list to pitching podcasters.

However, whether you're passionate about getting booked as a podcast guest or not, keep at it. It may be challenging at first, but with time and commitment, you'll get there. In the meantime, remember to do your research and learn as much as you can about the podcasting industry and the podcasts on which you want to be featured.

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