1822 – Strategies for Shifting Mindset with Purdeep Sangha

In this episode of the Thoughtful Entrepreneur, your host Josh Elledge speaks with the Founder of Sangha Worldwide, Purdeep Sangha.

Sangha Wide

Purdeep Sangha's expertise lies in guiding entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and find fulfillment in their personal lives. During our conversation, he highlighted a common struggle among high achievers: persistent dissatisfaction. This discontent can overshadow their journey, making it difficult to appreciate the milestones they've achieved.

Purdeep emphasized the importance of focusing on personal growth and evolution rather than solely on achievements. He believes that by nurturing our personal development, we can find a sense of satisfaction not tied exclusively to our professional milestones. This holistic approach to growth is what sets truly successful individuals apart.

One of the most enlightening parts of our discussion was when Pradeep shared practical strategies for interrupting negative states and shifting one's mindset. He spoke about using biology and physiology to influence one's state, suggesting that understanding our bodies can better manage our emotions and reactions.

Additionally, he introduced the contrast principle as a tool to gain perspective, which can help us appreciate our current situation by comparing it to something worse.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Importance of balancing business growth with personal fulfillment
  • Struggles faced by entrepreneurs, particularly men
  • Impact of discontent on high achievers
  • Strategies for interrupting negative states and shifting mindset
  • Pradeep's podcast “The Complete Man” and book of the same name
  • Transformation and positive feedback from readers
  • Benefits of Pradeep's expertise for organizations and leadership teams
  • Fostering a healthy and productive work environment
  • Caring for the well-being of employees and its impact on business growth

About Purdeep Sangha:

Purdeep Sangha, a prominent figure in North American business growth and men's leadership is renowned for advising top global Board Members, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs as a strategic business consultant and personal performance advisor.

With a proven track record, Sangha excels in helping business leaders simultaneously navigate the intricacies of both professional and personal life.

Notably, he co-hosts the groundbreaking TV series “Mind Your Own Business,” focusing on entrepreneurs facing accessibility and business challenges within the disability community.

Sangha stands out for his expertise in scaling businesses through effective strategy, execution, innovation, leadership, marketing, customer experience, and operations. Moreover, he pioneered ULTRA performance, employing neuroscience, performance psychology, and ancient teachings to optimize professionals' performance.

Sangha's passion lies in guiding men to discover their power as “The Complete Man,” achieving peak performance and fulfillment in both business and personal spheres. His teachings empower men to excel as business leaders, husbands, fathers, and individuals.

About Sangha Worldwide:

Sangha Worldwide is a dynamic force in enhancing business and individual performance globally. Devoted to multiplying success, Sangha Worldwide specializes in optimizing the performance of both companies and individuals.

With a focus on strategic insights and personalized guidance, Sangha Worldwide is a catalyst for achieving peak performance in diverse sectors

Their approach encompasses various elements, including business strategy, execution, innovation, leadership, marketing, customer experience, and operations.

Sangha Worldwide is at the forefront of ULTRA performance, leveraging cutting-edge techniques such as neuroscience, performance psychology, and ancient teachings to unlock the full potential of professionals worldwide.

Tweetable Moments:

02:07 – “We see a lot of entrepreneurs buried knee-deep in their business, missing out on a big chunk of their life, until one day they realize what's next.”

04:44 – “A lot of us focus on what we are doing and having, as opposed to what we are being, and there's a big difference there.”

06:18 – “Giving ourselves a little bit of grace along the way makes life a lot easier and a lot more enjoyable.”

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Want to learn more? Check out Sangha Worldwide website at

Check out Sangha Worldwide on LinkedIn at

Check out Purdeep Sangha on LinkedIn at

Check out Purdeep Sangha on Instagram at

Check out Purdeep Sangha on Facebook at

Check out Purdeep Sangha on Twitter at

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Josh (00:00:04) - Hey there, thoughtful listener. Would you like consistent and predictable sales activity with no spam and no ads? I'll teach you step by step how to do this, particularly if you're an agency owner, consultant, coach, or B2B service provider. What I teach has worked for me for more than 15 years and has helped me create more than $10 million in revenue. Just head to up my and watch my free class on how to create endless high ticket sales appointments. You can even chat with me live and I'll see and reply to your messages. Also, don't forget the thoughtful entrepreneur is always looking for guests. Go to up my and click on podcast. We'd love to have you. With us right now it's Pradeep Sanga. Pradeep, you are the founder of Sanga Worldwide. You found on the web at Pradeep Sanga. Com the spelling for that. To our friend who's listening to your conversation right now. Just click in your podcast app, click on the notes or information. Keep clicking around and you'll find we've got a direct link Pradeep, to your website.

Josh (00:01:19) - But thank you so much for joining us.

Purdeep (00:01:21) - Hey my pleasure Josh, thanks for having me.

Josh (00:01:23) - I should also point out you are a fellow podcaster on a topic that I really am a fan of, and your podcast is called The Complete Man. So to our friend that's listening. If you want to search around in your podcast app, you can hit subscribe on that. We'll talk about that in just a minute. But Pradeep, tell me about you know, again, kind of overall your impact in the world, the work that you do.

Purdeep (00:01:46) - Yeah, sure. So in terms of my biggest impact, well, that's probably my family. I got two young kids, an eight year old and ten year old, and that's really what drives me. But the majority of work that we do is helping entrepreneurs grow their business, but also structure their life in a way that when they are growing their business and making more money, they're actually enjoying it and they're actually being more fulfilled rather than just being buried knee deep in their business.

Purdeep (00:02:07) - Because we see a lot of entrepreneurs doing that, and they continue to do that for decades until one day they realize, holy crow, they've missed out on a big chunk of their life and what's next? So we help them balance their growth with fulfillment. On the personal side.

Josh (00:02:22) - Yeah, many questions I could ask, you know, you know, ancillary to that topic. And I think one thing that you touched on just briefly or alluded to is high demand or, you know, folks that are high achiever personalities, in other words, they're generally they don't stay satisfied too long. Has it set a different way. Right? They have high expectations for themselves because they they truly have a vision for themselves and what they want to do, the impact they want to have in the world. And then certainly, of course, um, you know, monetarily, there may be some, you know, professional business goals or income goals that they have. But I wonder how much of that journey is spent in discontent versus, you know, kind of enjoying the ride.

Josh (00:03:04) - Can you maybe talk on that topic?

Purdeep (00:03:06) - Well, uh, I'll share some stats here, but I can just a short answer is a lot, a lot of time. And part of our business was actually a research organization as well. So we did a lot of research with professionals close to 4000 of them, 85% were predominantly men. And what we realized, and I can tell you through the work that we've done, that in particular men, eight out of ten of them are struggling in some way, shape or form outside of their business. So they may be making a ton of money. They might have a great professional career, but a lot of them are not really satisfied and fulfilled with them with their lives or some aspect of themselves. Could be health, could be mental health, could be just in terms of they're not really proud of who they are as an individual, or they know that they should be doing something different, but they're kind of caught in the trap. So the vast majority of entrepreneurs are stuck, I would say.

Josh (00:04:00) - Isn't that I mean, I think from the outside, when we look at this dynamic, it would be easy from the outside to look at this and go, what a pity that is. What do you know? What a shame that that is? You know, I do this, I know, I know full well you know, what we've built and what I have today is in years past what I was dreaming for. But yet it's so easy for me to constantly be dissatisfied. Right. Oh, this small, you know, flaw here. Or, you know, we had one even though we had, you know, like nine customers this week that were thrilled. We had that one customer that had that one challenge. And that's what I worry about. These are all things I'm sure you hear all the time.

Purdeep (00:04:44) - Yes, absolutely. It's very common because we a lot of us focus on what we are doing and having as opposed to what we are being. And there's a big difference there, because when we focus on our being in terms of who we are and how we've grown as individuals, it really doesn't matter what we end up having or not having.

Purdeep (00:05:04) - And it's not that it shouldn't bother us or we're not bugged by it. Obviously, if we lose a big contract or we lose a big client or something happens in our business, there is an impact. But as long as we are focused on ourselves in terms of our growth and evolution, it becomes almost irrelevant. All those other things that we tend to measure our success and fulfillment based on.

Josh (00:05:24) - Yeah. You know, I just got done with a weight loss competition, and I won. But along the way, you know, and I've had this insight before when I've been, when I've done this, um, and that is, is, you know, I step on the scale and if I don't like the results of the scale, you know, initially, I think you could look at that and just be really frustrated with that. But it was interesting because I noticed that, you know, my mind shift had changed on this a while back. Right? And it's like, you know, instead of looking at the scale, that's just that's one metric, right? But the bigger test was okay.

Josh (00:05:56) - But how was I today? Did I go to the gym and do the thing. Yeah. Did I eat sensibly, you know? Yes. Well then this doesn't matter. You know, the scale is irrelevant in terms of like how I should be feeling about myself. Because in reality, did I do the thing? Yes. So then you got to get into this, Arthur Schopenhauer. Do the thing. Have the power, right?

Purdeep (00:06:18) - Yeah, yeah, it's giving ourselves a little bit of grace along the way, and I think that's a natural part. And I don't think enough. Enough of us or most of us don't do that enough. Because when you when you when we can sit here and laugh at ourselves, um, it makes life a lot easier and a lot more enjoyable. So, yeah, you know, I screwed up today, and I didn't get that done. So what? Tomorrow is another day and I get to do it. I get to make a second attempt at it.

Purdeep (00:06:41) - And if we take a look at it from that perspective, and this is where in the work that we do, we bring in, a lot of you can say ancient philosophy as well, um, whether that's through Buddhism or Daoism or whatever it is, but we're talking about thousands of years of knowledge that we and sometimes Western cultures tend to discount. But one of the core aspects is, yeah, give yourself grace, give yourself a little bit of leeway and actually appreciate what you know. Sometimes you just got to do nothing. Sometimes you got to sit back and relax. Sometimes you just got to put a pause on things and just sit in silence, because a lot of that can lead to bigger and faster and better results ultimately. And I think as entrepreneurs, because we're in a go, go, go state, we miss out on a lot of opportunities when we when we don't sit in silence, when we don't give ourselves enough grace.

Josh (00:07:30) - Yeah. There are so many questions I want to ask.

Josh (00:07:33) - Tell me the rabbit holes. I want to go down on this, but let's just talk about maybe someone who, you know isn't giving themselves grace in that moment right there. They didn't get done what they wanted to do or the results weren't, you know, their dream outcome on any particular thing, even though they feel like they showed up in that. And so, again, you know, we might focus on the negative or focus on the one negative comment or bad thing that happened out of a day of great things. Um, is there an exercise or something that you could do that you'd recommend? Say, listen, first thing we gotta do is interrupt that. Can you maybe talk about maybe that interruption? Because I think that that might be helpful getting to Grace. Where for ourselves, which I believe we should all have a bit more of. I'll speak for myself.

Purdeep (00:08:17) - Yeah, I think there's two different elements here when we talk. Ultimately what we're talking about is the state that we are in, and there's a way of interrupting that.

Purdeep (00:08:24) - And one of the easiest way to interrupt your state is your biology and your physiology. So my background is also in neuroscience and neuropsychology. And one of the key things is use your body. That's why you see a lot of practitioners. You know, they'll either do tai chi or qigong, some kind of body movement or yoga, for example. Those you can say practices have been around for thousands of years. There's a reason why they are effective. It's because they are using your biology to influence your state. So just by taking deep breaths, you can actually shift your state just by going into or playing a sport or exercising. Those are the easiest things that I would recommend people to do. If you can't do that, go for a walk. Like those are easy ways to shift your state, but the other one is from a psychological perspective. It's a lot easier to use our body to change our state than our mind, because our mind actually ruminates a lot. Sometimes our mind goes out of control, whereas you can actually control your body.

Josh (00:09:23) - What?

Purdeep (00:09:25) - Yeah, right. So it's a lot easier to go for a walk than try to control your mind. But the simplest principle, and this is one of the reasons why some people are happy and other people are not, why some people are optimistic and other people are not. It's what we call the contrast principle, and it simply comes down to what we compare things to. So if we are sitting here and we're thinking about, you know, this meal isn't so great and I'm not liking it. Yeah, maybe maybe it was overcooked. A simple way to get over that is, hey, what about those kids in a third world country that don't get to eat? Boom. Automatically your mindset shifts a little bit and you get to enjoy and you shift your state. So contrast is important because when we are in a negative state or we when we are beating ourselves up, it's because we're contrasting to something. Typically that is, we could have done better or someone else is doing better. Someone else has more and I have less.

Purdeep (00:10:21) - So it's taking a look at where we are compared to something that is better. If you take a look at perhaps how you've actually improved over time, or how you're in a better state or situation than someone who is less fortunate, it's easy to get back into what we call a happier, more optimistic state.

Josh (00:10:41) - You know, a pretty. I'd love to maybe have you share a little bit more specifically about, you know, someone that might be listening to this, may be familiar with you. And so they stumbled upon this episode, this episode. Now they're hearing our conversation, but they're curious about, um, you know, how they could potentially engage or work with you. I don't know if you can kind of start from, well, here's the easy stuff that you could, you know, book, podcast, etc. and then, you know, kind of all the way up to, you know, who should be reaching out because you can go in and solve some big problems for them.

Purdeep (00:11:14) - Yeah, I appreciate that.

Purdeep (00:11:15) - So, uh, the first thing is just simply go to the podcast, as you talked about the Complete Mind podcast, you could always get a copy of my book, The Complete Man. And we have a lot of women reading our book as well. It's very.

Josh (00:11:28) - Very was I was going to point that out. That is that is a known phenomenon, uh, to to those who write on, you know, kind of being a better man, you know, being the best man. And a lot of females are into it. Yeah.

Purdeep (00:11:41) - Because a lot of the principles apply to women as well. But you can simply reach out. Our email is team at Sanga Worldwide. Com. And so feel free to reach out. We we have an entire customer service team that can respond. Or I may respond personally as well, depending on what your challenge is or what information you need.

Josh (00:11:59) - Yeah, and just a high level overview. What is the transformation that you would hope would take place when someone reads your book and applies the messages in it?

Purdeep (00:12:08) - Well, I can tell you some of the examples that we've gotten in the past is for women understand their men better, they understand their husbands better, and they understand their sons better.

Purdeep (00:12:18) - And they feel like they're more equipped to be able to be in a better relationship for men. They were able to have more clarity and confidence going through not only life, but in their business as well, and their relationship with their significant other and being a better father. The book is really about all aspects of life. It's not just business, it's not just your marriage. It's also being a father. It's being a man. In today's society because there's a lot of confusion and there's a lot of science behind it as well. And I think in particular for men, it's tough to change their behavior unless they see some facts and science behind it. So we talk about that. And so for it's easy for someone to read it and say, okay, that makes factual sense or scientific sense for me to change my behavior. But there's a lot of men that have come out of addictions reading this book or have given maybe their brother, father a son, a little bit of grace and appreciation, because now they see why that man or person in their life is addicted to a substance.

Purdeep (00:13:21) - So there's a lot of different results that we've seen people have when it comes to reading the book, but ultimately it's about being more fulfilled in life and having it all as well at the same time.

Josh (00:13:32) - Yeah. And for those that are, um, for those who like, listen, I'm wondering if you might be, uh, exactly what our organization is looking for. How might someone know that either they, their leadership team or somewhere else within the organization may be ready for you?

Purdeep (00:13:53) - Yeah, I would say 80% of leadership teams are there already because they're they're looking to get the best out of their people, including CEOs and board of directors, and they're trying not to burn them out. So if your business is growing or wants to grow or needs to grow, and you have an executive team or management team, or if maybe it's you as a CEO and you're looking to take your business to a new level, but you don't want to tax your people and burn them out or have them leave you and you want them to be happier.

Purdeep (00:14:24) - You truly care about your people, and you truly care about your own health and well-being and your family's health. Because a lot of our, you know, entrepreneurs, they put their family sometimes secondary or their own health last. All of those are, you can say, trigger signs to saying, hey, look, maybe we should reach out.

Josh (00:14:42) - Yeah. Your book, by the way. The Complete Man. It's on Amazon, it's on audible. You can get the Kindle hardcover, paperback, all of the above. It's available. You have very, very high praise in your reviews for the book, so can't wait to listen to it myself. Uh, Pradeep Sanga again, your website is Pradeep And when folks go there, what would you recommend they click on? What would you recommend they do?

Purdeep (00:15:08) - Uh, just simply go through the website. But just simply if you want to reach out just click on I believe there's a contact button and you can just put in your information and we'll respond back to you.

Josh (00:15:20) - Excellent Pradeep Sangha again. I appreciate your website. Pradeep and uh, again author, podcaster and uh, much more. And again the founder of Sanga Worldwide. Pradeep, thank you so much for joining us.

Purdeep (00:15:34) - Hey thanks Josh. Appreciate it.

Josh (00:15:41) - Thanks for listening to the Thoughtful Entrepreneur show. If you are a thoughtful business owner or professional who would like to be on this daily program, please visit up my influence common Guest. If you're a listener, I'd love to shout out your business to our whole audience for free. You can do that by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts or join our Listener Facebook group. Just search for the Thoughtful Entrepreneur and Facebook. I'd love, even if you just stopped by to say hi. I'd love to meet you. We believe that every person has a message that can positively impact the world. We love our community who listens and shares our program every day. Together we are empowering one another as thoughtful entrepreneurs. Hit subscribe so that tomorrow morning. That's right. Seven days a week you are going to be inspired and motivated to succeed.

Josh (00:16:39) - I promise to bring positivity and inspiration to you for around 15 minutes each day. Thanks for listening and thank you for being a part of the Thoughtful Entrepreneur movement.

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