2009 – Unleashing the Power of Human-Centric Content in Social Media Marketing with Dash of Social’s Ashley Mason

Mason WideMastering Social Media Marketing


In a recent episode of “The Thoughtful Entrepreneur,” host Josh explores the nuances of social media marketing with Ashley Mason, founder of Dash of Social. This content marketing agency excels in social media management, blog content, email marketing, and overall marketing strategy, particularly for tech startups and smaller companies. The discussion is packed with insights on the current state of social media marketing, the role of AI, and the significance of authenticity and personal connections in crafting a successful marketing strategy.

Ashley Mason underscores a notable shift towards “human-centric content,” emphasizing the importance of showcasing the people behind a business. This approach builds trust and relatability, creates emotional connections, and helps businesses stand out in a crowded marketplace. Additionally, video content continues to dominate social media, with short-form videos, live streaming, and behind-the-scenes glimpses being particularly effective. AI is also becoming a powerful tool in marketing, aiding in idea generation, data analysis, and personalization, though it should complement, not replace, human creativity and connection.

Josh and Ashley agree on the growing importance of authenticity in content. Audiences are increasingly discerning and can easily spot inauthentic content. To maintain authenticity, businesses should avoid generic messaging, share personal stories, and be transparent about their practices and values. Ashley also highlights the importance of a multi-faceted marketing strategy, including public relations, paid advertising, SEO, blogging, and email marketing. For those not ready to hire a marketing agency, Ashley encourages proactive steps like consultations, educational resources, and social media engagement to enhance marketing efforts. Listeners are invited to connect with Dash of Social for further insights and support in their marketing journey.


About Ashley Mason:


Ashley Mason is the founder of Dash of Social, a content marketing agency specializing in social media management, blog content, and email marketing.

Additionally, Ashley founded Massachusetts Business Network in 2022, which is the only statewide publication that provides free to low cost resources that support organizations with increasing their visibility and establishing thought leadership through its podcast, blog, and directory.

Ashley is a graduate of Stonehill College, where she received her Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. She is a TEDx speaker, has been named a 40 Under 40 Honoree by Cape & Plymouth Business Media, and was recognized as Best Social Media Specialist by Boston Business Women.

Ashley currently serves as a Board Member for the Brockton Visiting Nurse Association (BVNA), Middleboro Public Library, and South Shore Young Professionals (SSYP). When she isn't working, you can find her running on her Peloton or curled up on the couch with a book.


About Dash of Social:

A content marketing agency specializing in social media management, blog content, and email marketing. Working closely with their clients, Ashley and her team help small businesses and tech startups craft and execute value-driven marketing strategies designed to establish thought leadership, grow online communities, and drive brand awareness.

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Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Want to learn more? Check out Dash of Social website at

Check out Dash of Social on LinkedIn at

Check out Ashley Mason on LinkedIn at

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Josh Elledge 00:00:05 Hey there, thoughtful listener. Are you looking for introductions to partners, investors, influencers and clients? Well, I've had private conversations with over 2000 leaders asking them where their best business comes from. I've got a free video you can watch with no opt in required, where I'll share the exact steps necessary to be 100% inbound in your industry over the next 6 to 8 months, with no spam, no ads, and no sales. What I teach has worked for me for over 15 years, and has helped me create eight figures in revenue for my own companies. Just head to up my influence. Com and watch my free class on how to create endless high ticket sales appointments. Also, don't forget the thoughtful entrepreneur is always looking for great guests. Go to up my influence. Com and click on podcast. I'd love to have you. With us right now, it's Ashley Mason. Ashley, you are the founder of Dash of social. You're found on the web at Dash of social. Com. Ashley, it's great to have you.

Ashley Mason 00:01:17 Thank you so much for having me. Josh.

Josh Elledge 00:01:19 Well, lay it down. Explain what it is that you do. I'm guessing it has something to do with social media, but I've cheated because I've looked at your website.

Ashley Mason 00:01:29 You are correct. So my company is Dash of social, which is a content marketing agency that I started back in 2016, and we primarily specialize in and focus on social media management, blog content, email marketing, and overall marketing strategy. The majority of our clients tend to be tech startups and also smaller companies throughout the country, with many of our clients being right here in Massachusetts where we're based.

Josh Elledge 00:01:53 Yeah, well, I am grateful to have you. And I'm hoping for, you know, since you watch and you know, the trends in social, you know, a lot of folks who listen this probably have, you know, hundreds of things that they're responsible for. One of them is social media. So they're not watching it quite like you are. I would love Ashley if you could give us a little bit of the of a state of the union of where we are in social media and where we're headed.

Ashley Mason 00:02:23 Yes. So I would say where we are right now is that we're focusing a lot on what I call human centric content. So for any business owner, I feel like when they're looking through their analytics, they'll likely notice that any type of content that shows the founder or shows employees is always the content that will always perform the best compared to those generic stock images or any of those quote graphics or anything like that you might create on something like Canva. It can feel very awkward and uncomfortable to get in front of the camera if it's not something that you're used to. But time and time again, we're seeing, regardless of the industry, that being able to show the people behind the business is really what helps to perform the best and also help to build that know, like and trust factor. Of course, going along with that video is something that has been a super popular throughout the past few years, and is only going to continue to grow throughout the next couple of years. And along with that, of course, there's been a lot of talk about AI and bringing that into marketing, and I feel like that as we move forward in the next year or so is only going to get bigger about how thinking about how companies can use AI to their advantage to automate and improve their overall marketing strategies.

Josh Elledge 00:03:32 Yeah. and I, I hope that some of us are learning quite quickly, regarding the use of AI as a great tool for idea generation in first drafts and so forth. I think early on I'm not seeing this as much, but I think early and maybe it's because I has gotten has improved a little bit, but I was seeing a lot of just bad And social media content was clearly written by AI and it was just like, you know, let us delve into a cornucopia of solutions for I'm like, oh, get out of here. Nobody talks like that. Right?

Speaker 3 00:04:12 And so it's exactly and this is really.

Josh Elledge 00:04:15 Where I want to I want to lead this question to is that, I think it is incredibly naive to underestimate the intelligence of your audience. And I agree with you that authenticity, absolutely wins. And you're not fooling anybody. if you think that you can just cheap out or, again, just do boring, generic stuff that just does not connect at an emotional human level.

Ashley Mason 00:04:45 Absolutely.

Ashley Mason 00:04:45 And you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned that AI is a great method to use for idea generation. That's one of the things that I will always advocate using AI for, is that we all get stuck in those creative ruts, and we when we sit out our desks and we just can't think of an idea being able to use AI to help you think of all of these topics that can help you to think about social media posts or blog posts that will really resonate with and provide value to your audience. And AI is also really helpful for being able to break down and explain different data and analytics you might be seeing. I mean, I literally copy and paste what I see in my Google Analytics, put it into AI and say, can you please comprehend this for me and be able to point out any trends and explain what I can do based on these numbers? So it's all about being able to work smarter, not harder.

Josh Elledge 00:05:31 Yeah, I you know, to your point too, when we visit someone's website, that's what I do.

Josh Elledge 00:05:36 I always click on the about I want to look at the leadership team in our team, particularly if this is someone that I'm going to legitimately like, if I'm really going to engage with them, I, you know, I want to know the who, you know, because if it's just some faceless, generic looking company with, you know, and I'm not able to find the people involved, all of a sudden, like, those are red flags for me. and I think that that's kind of what you were talking about in regards to, personal content on social media. It's, anyone can go to Canva and just, you know, go through their repository of here's our July 4th message. You know, you could do that, or you could actually post a picture of you and your dog holding an American flag or whatever. Right. And, and then just try to share something from the heart or personal. And I promise you those are going to have two very different impacts on the audience.

Ashley Mason 00:06:35 Absolutely.

Ashley Mason 00:06:36 And even though it might not directly be related to your business, people are going to see that content and remember it and then associate you with that content. And they might see that photo of you with your dog and American flag and instantly think about your company and what it does. I mean, one thing I do often is I'm an avid reader, and I'm always posting to my Instagram stories, the book that I'm reading, and so people are constantly associating me with reading and then associating that with Dash of social. So it's just a really great way to find those common interests and build the bridge with being able to connect with your ideal clients or customers.

Josh Elledge 00:07:09 what happens if you have a founder that says, Ashley? No way. I am so shy. I don't want to be. What or what if they come from a place of nobility where they're saying, I don't want to be the deal? Like, how can you maybe work with them if you get that objection?

Ashley Mason 00:07:29 There's a few different things.

Ashley Mason 00:07:30 So one I would say is likely starting with them on a smaller scale. I would never recommend diving in full force and going from 0 to 100, because it can feel really overwhelming and a little bit, I guess unknown at that point. So I always recommend starting small. So baby steps. So maybe doing like one photo or video per month and then working our way up from there once the founder feels more comfortable. I always say that data is really helpful. So as we start to incorporate more of this content with the founder and show them the data of them there content of them being able to perform the best. I think that also sells them a little bit, and then also not putting so much content or so much focus of the content on the founder themselves. So instead of them feeling all this pressure for them to only be the one showing up all the time, if they have other C-suite people or other people on the leadership team that can be shared and highlighted as well. I think that helps to take the pressure of that off of them, knowing that there's other people who can also be incorporated.

Josh Elledge 00:08:27 Yep, yep. And pets.

Speaker 3 00:08:30 Yeah, exactly.

Josh Elledge 00:08:32 You know, just other like things of, you know, it's really interesting. we send a weekly email, and yeah, it's it's generally always very valuable. but I am really, really cautious about selling, to to that email list for me. I feel like the most valuable thing I can do is just continue to build a relationship with someone that's I'm already connected with. There And, you know, again, that's part of, appreciating the intelligence of our audience is, you know, we don't have to hit them over the head, with offers. And sometimes it's just, you know, continually just show up like a friend would show up in their life. And that's kind of what we do. So again, it's a lot of pictures of me and my mini Australian shepherd Levi.

Speaker 3 00:09:25 You know, and again, it's it's a little blurb.

Josh Elledge 00:09:27 And then I get to the business. But I always try to, use the opportunity to connect at a personal level.

Josh Elledge 00:09:34 So we've belabored at this point.

Speaker 3 00:09:36 Actually, you've just.

Josh Elledge 00:09:37 Really hit on something that I'm just such a big fan of, and I and I think it's important for all of us, to, to look at what we're communicating, objectively and say, you know, are we connecting personally or are we just selling? And I think a lot of this, has to do with differentiating ourselves from the red ocean of noise out there. There's so much noise out there. And so if we can connect and, and, you know, kind of go, you know, and act more like a personal friend or a trusted friend would. Would be showing up in their lives. I think that's kind of the goal here.

Ashley Mason 00:10:10 I 100% agree.

Josh Elledge 00:10:13 Ashley, would you mind? Because I know, again, social is a big part of what you do. Would you mind maybe sharing a little bit more broadly, about, you know, when you're working with your clients, like what that looks like, and maybe it's, again, a lot more strategy and overall execution, but could you kind of, take, take give us a step back just because we've been zeroing in on social for so much?

Speaker 3 00:10:37 Of course.

Ashley Mason 00:10:37 So with social media management, that's primarily the big one that we focus on with social, because we often find that most of our clients, don't have the time to manage their own social media or they don't have the resources if they don't have the bandwidth on their staff and see many people, which I can understand despises. So they'd rather not be using their time to focus on those platforms. So we come in and manage their profiles for them. So that's everything from developing that social media strategy to give an audit of what they've done up to date, do a competitor analysis, identify their content pillars, think about how will engage and grow their audience and things like that, and ultimately implementing and executing that strategy through monthly content calendar development. So we'll work with our clients each month working 30 days out. So as of tomorrow, when it's August 1st, during the time of this recording, we'll start thinking ahead for September and we'll meet with our clients and ask them to give us an overview of everything that's happening in the upcoming month.

Ashley Mason 00:11:34 So we have this really timely and relevant information that we can include in their social posts. From there, we'll use that information and also conduct additional research on our end to develop other ideas that will then flush out into a full content calendar. So that includes writing the posts for our clients, pulling together the visuals, requesting a list of assets we might need from them like other photos or videos, and being able to build out this robust content calendar that they will then receive, review and approve. From there, we go through and schedule and publish everything and focus on community management to be able to support those potential clients or customers that might be reaching out through the profiles, and also being able to understand what their monthly analytics are, to be able to know what's performing well and why. So we can use that information to really drive the next month's worth of content. So our whole goal is to take this off of our client's plate and ensure that they then have time back in their day to focus on those revenue generating activities and be able to focus on the things that they really enjoy the most.

Josh Elledge 00:12:36 so, in in marketing, I'm thinking about, overall, like let's say that someone's goal, is, is really just to drive sales, and let's say that they're doing account based, sales and marketing. what do you see working really well in that space?

Ashley Mason 00:12:58 I would say that you get the best results when you focus on a multi-faceted marketing strategy. So a lot of people will think that social media is the golden ticket for increasing those sales. But you're truly limiting yourself when you're only focusing on social media and isolating yourself in that sense and not looking at PR, paid ads, SEO, blogging, email marketing, you really need to build out that robust marketing strategy to support your overall goals and mission. Along with that, I say that it's really important to one. At least have a website to begin with, and to have a website that's set up and optimized correctly to accept your ideal client or customer. Especially with social media, it works really hard to drive website traffic or drive people to this spot of of your corner of the internet where they can learn more about who you are, what you do, and how you can help them.

Ashley Mason 00:13:45 But if your website isn't set up properly to convert those people, then you're wasting all of that traffic and you're not going to get those sales. So it's really important to have that second leg of that marketing strategy to focus on and ensuring that your website is going to convert those people, because that's really what its job is to do.

Josh Elledge 00:14:03 Yeah. Excellent. Your website actually is dash of to a friend that's been listening to our conversation and they're like, yeah, social media is confusing for us. how do you typically help with someone? Maybe it's like, well, I'm not ready to hire you today, but I'd love to, you know, start to maybe get to know actually a little bit more and kind of figure out if there's a match here. What would you recommend their next steps be?

Ashley Mason 00:14:30 Absolutely. So I'm always happy to set up a conversation with anyone just to learn more about their business and what they're looking for, whether they need that help immediately, or whether they're thinking ahead for a year down the line.

Ashley Mason 00:14:40 I'm always happy to chat and share my advice. We also frequently publish blog posts on our site that explains several different topics of marketing that are trending right now, and being able to share those further. And of course, I always recommend connecting with us on social media because we're consistently sharing marketing advice there as well.

Josh Elledge 00:15:00 all right. Again, your website is Dash of and Ashley Mason, of which you are the founder social media consultant. Ashley, it's been a great conversation. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom.

Ashley Mason 00:15:14 Thank you so much for having me, Josh.

Josh Elledge 00:15:21 Thanks for listening to the Thoughtful Entrepreneur Show. If you are a thoughtful business owner or professional who would like to be on this daily program, please visit up my influence. Com and click on podcast. We believe that every person has a message that can positively impact the world. We love our community who listens and shares our program every day. Together, we are empowering one another as thoughtful leaders. And as I mentioned at the beginning of this program, if you're looking for introductions to partners, investors, influencers, and clients, I have had private conversations with over 2000 leaders asking them where their best business comes from.

Josh Elledge 00:16:02 I've got a free video that you can watch right now with no opt in or email required, where I'm going to share the exact steps necessary to be 100% inbound in your industry over the next 6 to 8 months, with no spam, no ads, and no sales. What I teach has worked for me for more than 15 years and has helped me create eight figures in revenue for my own companies. Just head to up my influence comm and watch my free class on how to create endless high ticket sales appointments. Make sure to hit subscribe so that tomorrow morning. That's right, seven days a week you are going to be inspired and motivated to succeed. I promise to bring positivity and inspiration to you for around 15 minutes every single day. Thanks for listening and thank you for being a part of the Thoughtful Entrepreneur movement.

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