In this episode of the Thoughtful Entrepreneur, your host Josh Elledge talks with the founder and CEO of High Impact Coaching, Zander Fryer.
High Impact Coaching helps coaches build 6 and 7-figure businesses in a variety of verticals. Zander and Josh explore how coaches struggle in their space. He talks about owning and recognizing our own individual obstacles and limiting beliefs. Coaches become niche experts in their space, and may spend years or decades honing that expertise. However, coaching and business expertise aren’t always learned or honed simultaneously. If coaches don’t learn the business side of things and become a CEO and not just a coach, their business won’t thrive or scale.
In early stages of business, it’s easy for a coach to stay in their zone of genius. The issues arise as their businesses start to grow and need to scale. You can’t be predictable if you don’t have reliable, consistent lead generation, which only comes with being an entrepreneur as much as you are a coach.
Being a great coach from the beginning isn’t the challenge – it’s learning how to grow your business sustainably and reliably. Zander shares a bit of wisdom he was given by a mentor – you can either have a crappy product that reaches a lot of people but doesn’t deliver, or you can have an amazing product but be terrible at marketing. The truth is the latter situation is worse. You need to become an expert marketer to be an effective, impactful coach.
Zander shares how he experienced self-limiting beliefs and how it doesn’t matter if you’re starting from scratch. Anyone can become a marketer, but you have to put in the time to hone that mindset. Zander’s philosophy is that a coach should also be their own marketing master, but this takes years. Mastery isn’t something that happens overnight.
But what about tactics? One of the biggest shifts Zander learned through his research is that until you make your first 7-figures, 80% of your focus should be on sales. As long as you’re focused on selling, you’re having active conversations and you’re learning more about your target market. Until this point, you likely haven’t narrowed that down completely. If you’re working with a minimum viable product, talk to as many people as possible to find out how to improve that product to then launch the next iteration. You need to study every aspect of what these leads are wanting out of your solution – this is the only way you’ll grow in the right direction for your target audience.
Want to learn more? Check out Zander Fryer’s website at
Check out High Impact Coaching on LinkedIn at
Check out Zander Fryer on LinkedIn at
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