1251 – Managing Your Business with the Virtual Ateam’s Nicole Bandes

On today's episode of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur, we are so excited to speak with founder and CEO of Virtual A Team, Nicole Bandes! Virtual A Team works specifically with coaches, consultants, and other online based entrepreneurs. Known as the freelance whisperers by bridging the gap and creating a more seamless process with virtual teams. Nicole discusses virtual assistant mistakes that include not knowing exactly what the business need is. She discusses zone of genius and scaling businesses. Don’t forget to listen to our next episode, where we recap all the great insights that Nicole Bandes offered! 

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Virtual Assistant Budgets 
  • Benefits of a strong operations team
  • Empowering people to do the things they are most passionate about
  • Hiring processes and the why behind them 

About Nicole Bandes:

After losing her 17 y/o son, Nicole Bandes discovered her purpose: encourage others to make time for what matters most. In 2017, Nicole founded Virtual A Team, a virtual services agency helping overwhelmed coaches and consultants who want to define success by the wealth of their lives, not the size of their bank accounts. Nicole also shares valuable tips as podcast host of Coach’s Copilot: Your Online Business Manager. YES You CAN Build a Successful Business Around an Amazing Life, Here’s How Nicole shares her story of how she’s been able to successfully work less than 20 hours a week while building and growing a profitable business through outsourcing and delegating. Why a Virtual Assistant May NOT be Your Best First Hire and What to Do Instead When coaches and consultants start thinking about getting help, they default to hiring a Virtual Assistant. I can share 3 convincing reasons for why that might not be the best move and what to do instead. Do it Yourself or Delegate, How to Earn More by Doing Less You can choose to do things you don’t love and aren’t good at or you can make more money in less time by focusing on the things that only you can do. Let’s talk about 5 key strategies coaches can use now to start delegating more and doing less.

Links Mentioned in this Episode: 

Want to learn more? Check out Nicole Bandes’ website at 

Check out Nicole Bandes on LinkedIn at 

Don’t forget to subscribe to The Thoughtful Entrepreneur and thank you for listening. Tune in next time!

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