In this episode of the Thoughtful Entrepreneur, your host Josh Elledge speaks with the Founder, CEO, and General Counselor of Judy Weber Co, Judy Weber.
Judy’s work is faith-based working with women within her same faith to achieve business goals and make the work of having a business easier while being more profitable. Judy grew up poor and has had a difficult life throughout the years. She was able to overcome the challenges and make her dreams a reality. Judy explains that she maintains a positive attitude when handling difficult situations or trauma so she can grow and not be stuck. Being stuck in a negative headspace can be a cause for missed opportunities and taking steps back. Judy advises that individuals should look at others with open eyes as well as understand everyone has trauma and support or accept them regardless. Faith in yourself is important as it relates to everyone an individual does and being in tune with that can allow for deeper introspection and growth.
Judy explains that scaling involves three simple steps under the acronym joy. J is for a jump start, which involves looking at the strategy of a business to simplify it to a more efficient strategy. O is for optimization, which involves looking into their business team to ensure everyone is doing what is needed as well as looking into business processes and automation. Y is for yield, which involves monitoring results from revenue to client results and testimonials. Many individuals worry about hiring another team member because they cannot afford it. Judy explains that it can be more beneficial to hire someone to work on specific tasks than a business owner doing it themselves. This is because more time will be freed up for the business owner, meaning more time to make connections and establish relationships, which in the end turns into more revenue that can pay for the work of that person with more to spare. Judy offers a program called Joyful Scaling Mastermind that will become a six-month program in 2023. This program includes weekly group coaching and monthly one-on-one coaching with Judy. In the Fall, Judy will be unveiling a new program called Joyful Six Figures Accelerator which provides lifetime access to a group program that contains on-demand trainings and weekly group trainings.
Key Points from the Episode:
- What Judy does and how she got there
- How Judy overcomes and adapts to challenges.
- Faith in oneself
- Scaling
- Hiring challenges
- Engagement with Judy
About Judy Weber:
Judy Weber, Esq. is setting the gold standard in business coaching for faith-based women. A Women’s Business Strategist & Scaling Expert, and the Founder & Host of the globally-ranked ‘Joyful Scaling’ Podcast, Judy is on a mission to normalize mega success (both impact + revenue) for high-achieving, successful faith-based female CEOs, helping them build & scale their business with simplicity, using her proven Joyful Scaling Method.™ A former corporate & trial attorney as well as C suite executive (General Counsel & HR Director), Judy is a genius at showing faithful women how to fully embrace their faith so they can step confidently into their CEO role and think strategically, act courageously & speak authoritatively. Judy helps her clients create sophisticatedly simple – yet highly profitable – businesses, while pursuing deeper faith. She is a sought-after Keynote Speaker, teaching and inspiring women across the U.S. & around the world.
Tweetable Moments:
7:01 “Look at your faith foundation and, generally, as a person and an entrepreneur. And that will inform how you show up, what you do when you show up, and all of that.”
7:51 “I believe scaling is three simple steps, and it's the acronym JOY. It's jump-start, optimize and yield.”
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Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Want to learn more? Check out the Judy Weber Co website at
Check out Judy Weber’s podcast Joyful Scaling at
Check out Judy Weber Co on LinkedIn at
Check out Judy Weber on LinkedIn at
Check out Judy Weber on Facebook at
Check out Judy Weber on Instagram at
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