1627 – People Who Like The Work with Peoplytix’s Brian Gelt

In this episode of the Thoughtful Entrepreneur, your host Josh Elledge speaks with the Founder & CEO of Peoplytix, Brian Gelt

Brian Gelt's company is revolutionizing the hiring process by infusing data into every step, from candidate selection to employee development. They use data and tools to identify candidates who are not only qualified but also enjoy the work they do. This approach leads to better performance and longer retention. Brian acknowledges that turnover is a common issue when companies hire people who are not a good fit, resulting in poor performance and early departures.

Brian highlighted a common mistake in the employee attraction process: the over-reliance on resumes. While resumes can provide a snapshot of a candidate's experience and skills, they don't necessarily indicate whether they will fit the job or the company well. Brian emphasizes the importance of looking beyond resumes and conducting interviews to understand a candidate's fit.

Brian also discussed the importance of looking beyond experience when evaluating potential candidates. He believes that past experience is not always a reliable indicator of future success. Instead, it's essential to consider behavioral aptitude and fit. Companies can expand their talent pool and find more suitable hires by considering candidates with diverse backgrounds and skill sets.


Key Points from the Episode:

  • Peoplytix's focus on using data and tools to hire the right candidates
  • The problem of turnover and poor performance when hiring the wrong fit
  • Peoplytix's approach to solving this problem through understanding job demands and matching candidates accordingly
  • Coaching and development services offered by Peoplytix
  • Brian's background in the automotive industry and the inspiration behind starting Peoplytix
  • Common mistakes in the employee attraction process, such as relying solely on resumes
  • The importance of looking beyond past experience and considering behavioral aptitude and fit
  • How Brian engages with potential clients and the questions he asks during the discovery process


About Brian Gelt:

Brian Gelt is a highly accomplished professional in the automotive industry with a career spanning 35 years. A USC alumnus, he commenced his career at Galpin Motors, the leading Ford dealership globally, where he undertook various roles from Finance Manager to General Manager, contributing significantly to the company's growth.  

In 2005, he transitioned to Keyes Motors, eventually becoming a Partner in Keyes Audi. Under his leadership, it became the top-volume Audi dealer in the U.S. Moreover, Brian was critical in the Audi Dealer Advertising Group, spearheading campaigns from vehicle launches to Super Bowl Ads.  

He retired from Keyes in 2019 and subsequently delved into consultancy, joining Predictive Group as a Senior Associate in 2020. A year later, he founded Peoplytix. 

Brian's expertise encompasses dealership operations, negotiation, customer satisfaction, customer retention, sales management, and team building. His illustrious career in the automotive sector, combined with a Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration from USC, underscores his professional prowess.


About Peoplytix:

Peoplytix is a company that leverages advanced tools and methodologies to predict workforce behavior and improve business performance. This certification means that Peoplytix can utilize the Predictive Index methodology, a scientifically validated behavioral and cognitive assessment tool, for their services. This tool aids in making informed decisions about hiring, management, and development strategies. 

Peoplytix can deliver effective workforce solutions that enhance team dynamics, productivity, and overall business outcomes by employing data-driven insights. It is a valuable partner for businesses aiming to optimize their human capital potential.


Tweetable Moments:

17:38 – “I don't think it could be underlined and over the cost of turnover and what that can do to a company and the lost opportunities and the timing gets screwed up. I mean, it is really one of the most critical things in my opinion to get right in any company is that process of attracting the best and the brightest, the right fit, the folks that are really going to gel with your environment and your culture.”


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Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Want to learn more? Check out Peoplytix website at

Check out Peoplytix on LinkedIn at

Check out Brian Gelt on LinkedIn at

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Josh (00:00:05) - Hey there, thoughtful listener. Would you like consistent and predictable sales activity with no spam and no ads? I'll teach you step by step how to do this, particularly if you're an agency owner, consultant, coach or B2B service provider. What I teach has worked for me for more than 15 years and has helped me create more than $10 million in revenue. Just head to up my influence and watch my free class on how to create endless high ticket sales appointments. You can even chat with me live and I'll see and reply to your messages. Also, don't forget the thoughtful entrepreneur is always looking for guests. Go to up my influence com and click on podcast. We'd love to have you. With us right now, Brian Gelt. Brian, you are the founder of CEO of Peoplytix. You're on the web and Peoplytix. It's got kind of a funny spelling. So to our friends listening. Best bet is probably to just click on your show notes, button information, just keep clicking around, you'll find where it's got a link.

Josh (00:01:17) - So I'm going to spell it for you. It's p e o p l e. No way I did it wrong. P. E. O. P. L. Y. T. I. X Peoplytix And Brian is great to have you here.

Brian (00:01:30) - It's great to be here. Thanks for having me.

Josh (00:01:31) - Josh Yeah, so what is Peoplytix?

Brian (00:01:34) - So Peoplytix is a consulting company. I help companies infuse data into their hiring, retention, coaching and development. So we get to help companies actually hire people that are a good fit for the job. So we can identify using our data and our tools, people that are a good fit for any particular role. It can be anything from a CEO or a CFO to a factory floor worker, somebody who's going to fit the job well and actually like the work, because one of the things we know is when people like the work, they do a better job and they stay longer. So it leads directly into retention.

Josh (00:02:22) - Yeah. Well, this is absolutely an issue that's been top of mind every leader is concerned about, you know.

Josh (00:02:31) - You know, folks being able to come into a great workplace, have a great culture, great environment, be able to provide an environment that's going to allow people to flourish and enjoy. You know, certainly, you know, attracting is a big part of that. You know, but certainly we don't want people that are, you know, just kind of checking out, you know, six months before they quit. You know, that's what we want to avoid. So how does people solve some of these problems I'm addressing? I know that have been big headline grabbers in the past, especially 6 to 12 months.

Brian (00:03:05) - Yeah, absolutely. That turnover, that churn, I like to call it that six month churn that comes from finding people that are not a good fit for the job. And so what happens is, hey, we can all fake it for a little while, right? Everybody can do anything for a little while. But then right around 3 or 4 months, we start to see some performance issues.

Brian (00:03:25) - We see people stop showing up on time. We see them, you know, with a little bit of a dejected attitude. And then in 6 to 12 months, they're gone. And you're right, some of them have checked out at six months and don't quit till it's 12 months. And basically you've been paying them for nothing. So what we try to do is we try to understand what are the demands of the job, and we're talking behavioral demands. So I want you to think of it this way. A sales person you would think of as naturally outgoing, talkative, likes people. And you might think of a somebody in accounting as more reserved and really likes numbers that all make sense, right? But we hire people to be salespeople every day that don't like talking to new people, and then we can't figure out why they're not doing a good job. Right. Or worse, they don't do what they they do just a mediocre job. And we keep them for 20 years.

Josh (00:04:23) - Yeah, certainly.

Josh (00:04:23) - So help me understand exactly. Are you consulting or is this more of a platform? It helped me understand how people it fits in with, you know, current, you know, whether this is or more of a kind of an operations, you know, process that we're undertaking.

Brian (00:04:44) - Yeah, great question. And it's really kind of both, right? So we do focus a lot of times it's administered through the HR department, but it's really important that the whole management team is involved because part of what we do is we understand what are the demands of the job and we look at our candidates or our current employees and see how they match up. Now, listen, we're not looking for perfection. It's people. We're not going to find perfection. What we're looking for is a really good fit and then we can coach around the edges. And and so a big part of what people does is I help help companies use this data to coach their people, to develop their people. So it's not just hiring people that are going to be a good general fit for the job, but it's then helping them to develop those people, retain those people, and we start to deepen our bench so that we can start guiding those people into their next career path.

Josh (00:05:40) - And how did you find yourself in this? And where did people Linux come from?

Brian (00:05:46) - Well, you mean the name? I made it up.

Josh (00:05:49) - No, no, no. Well, people, it's a great name, but yeah, the company, it's like, why did you decide that this was something that needed to be addressed? You have a long and storied background in the automotive industry. Decades of experience in leadership.

Brian (00:06:03) - I do. So I was in the retail automotive business for about 35 years. 30 of that was in management. And so basically as a as a manager and certainly as a senior leader, my job was to find the right people for a job, develop them, coach them, make them better. And I worked my way through it. I learned how to do it. I screwed up everything you could screw up because that's just how we roll, right? Of course.

Josh (00:06:28) - Yes.

Brian (00:06:29) - And I tried a number of tools. And then at one of my the companies I was with and I was a partner in the dealership and running this this this really large dealership, I found this tool called predictive index.

Brian (00:06:41) - And Predictive Index is an 80 year old company that is a software platform that that helps with this data and it uses assessment tools and things like that. Very quick, six minutes to take an assessment for candidates really valuable. So it was in perfect alignment with what I was already trying to do. And so it made it so much easier for me to be able to identify those people that are a good fit. I made a whole career out of hiring people with no resume for the job. Yeah, okay. Because resumes, first of all, they're kind of fluff half the time, more 80% of the time. But more importantly, I found people that were right for the job. We used to say, you know, hire for attitude, train for skill. I like to say hire for behavioral fit, and then we'll train for skill because if they like the work, they take the coaching. And so I was able to really grow and develop these people. And so after about 35 years in the car business, I said, God, you know what? I think I'm done with the car business, but I love developing people.

Brian (00:07:51) - I love coaching. So now I'm helping other companies use these tools to build their teams, to develop their teams and to coach their teams.

Josh (00:08:04) - Yeah. And who do you work with today?

Brian (00:08:08) - I mean, I've got about 60 clients all across the country, everything from automotive dealers for sure, but to defense contractors to retail to software companies, anybody who's got people. The issues are remarkably consistent, regardless of industry. They're people issues, and we can help solve them.

Josh (00:08:30) - Yeah. What are some of the things that you see in the attraction? You know, kind of the the team member employee attraction side of things that you think are pretty like it's not real effective or maybe something like, Man, I wish people would stop doing that or, you know, maybe just huge gaps that I think that we could all be aware of to be mindful of. You know, maybe we might think it's getting us what we want, but in fact, it's not.

Brian (00:09:01) - Yeah, well, I mean, a big one is hiring based on resume and a resume is important.

Brian (00:09:07) - I mean, we need to look at what if people done what are their experiences and and some roles require certain skills and knowledge. There's no doubt. But you know, I hired a lot of people. I probably spent 20% of my time interviewing for 30 years. So you you learn that some people, just because they have experience doesn't mean they're in the right job. And so we use this information to be able to identify, hey, how do I put somebody maybe I've got a good employee in the wrong job, There may be a mediocre performer. How do I help align them with the right job? That's a part of what we do. The other part of what we do is how do I find that young person who's working as a grocery clerk and turn them into a superstar salesperson that makes $100,000 a year or more, feeds their family and changes their entire life circumstances. And I found scores of those over the years. And so that stuff is really important to me. And so when I spend a lot of time with the companies that I work with, with my clients, I really focus on how do we get beyond the resume, how do I interview beyond the resume and start to learn and understand people and whether or not they're going to be a good fit for my job and my company.

Brian (00:10:32) - And that's where.

Josh (00:10:33) - You know, it's hard. And I think the temptation, at least what I see is, you know, that the employer might want to be able to, you know, kind of flip through thousands of candidates and use AI tools and, you know, resume scanning and looking for keywords and try to automate that just so that they can then kind of whittle down a much larger pool into hopefully ideal the three, ideally like the 3 to 5 best candidates and those are the ones we'll spend time with. Does that work?

Brian (00:11:09) - Well, it doesn't. It doesn't. Sure. I mean, it works. And that's I mean, in the current environment, it's not working that well because that pool of candidates is not large enough. But, you know, it does work in concept. We want to start with a large pool, whittle them down, try and find people that we think will be a good fit. Where we go wrong is and a lot of these, you know, AI tools that scan scan resumes, they're focused on the wrong things.

Brian (00:11:39) - They're looking for in a lot of cases, past experience. But but past experience is not necessarily an indicator. It may be. And we want to look at resume and fit, you know, behavioral aptitude together. And when we look at that together, we have a much better picture of somebody because there are people who have tremendous resume, maybe, you know, behaviorally they're iffy, but they've learned to adapt. And I want those people right. There are people without the resume. That might be a great fit. I want those people to I want to expand my talent pool. I want to expand the opportunities. And if all I'm doing is scanning resumes and looking for past experience, I've probably thinned out the talent pool too much.

Josh (00:12:29) - Mm. So what does it look like when like, how do you begin engagement? Like, what is like if you were to do like, discovery, what kinds of questions would you be asking to see if you might be able to be of value to a potential client?

Brian (00:12:44) - Yeah.

Brian (00:12:45) - I mean, we explore things like, first of all, I talk with a client about, you know, what what are their issues at the moment, right. If sometimes it's hiring, they can't seem to find the right candidates or a pool of candidates. Oftentimes it's about retention. It's about that six month churn that I mentioned and that comes from job fit. That's just, hey, I hired the wrong person for this job. They faked it for six months and now they're out.

Josh (00:13:10) - Oh, oh, okay. Which is just Oh, is that awful? I mean, everyone knows, like, everyone. You say that like everyone, I think, you know, collectively groaned along with me or had that pain in their side. Like how painful that is. It's painful for the employee. It's pain for the it's just a bad situation.

Brian (00:13:29) - It's really rough. And I mean, I was an employer most of my life. And, you know, right about six months is when they're worth their salary.

Brian (00:13:37) - And when they quit, you're like, oh, I just it makes you crazy. But so I helped them with some of that. And so we do a lot of discovery and some, you know, some exploring. And that's why, you know, you ask me, is this an HR function? Well, sure, HR helps administer some of this stuff. But if if the executives aren't on board, it's not going to work. It's it's really important that the executives recognize, hey, this is an issue we need to solve. And sure, it may be HR's primary function, but if it doesn't have the attention of the people in leadership, it doesn't really get solved. It gets covered over. And so we're and I'm here to help solve it. So part of what I do in order to get clients started, we do all this discovery and, you know, frankly, we try it out, you know, even before they become a client and they officially sign on the dotted line, let them try it.

Brian (00:14:34) - Let's see if it's going to add value. And, you know, I'll share a link with you that to to share with with everybody. Please do. Yeah. That if they want to try it, they'll try it for free and we'll try a couple and see if it works for them and if it adds value, I'm in. If it doesn't add value and it doesn't, it's not perfect for everybody. If it doesn't add value, that's okay.

Josh (00:14:55) - Yeah. What is that? So obviously your website we shared before people. Is there a particular something they can click on?

Brian (00:15:03) - Yeah, I'll send you that link that they can click on it so that they can actually just go right into the software and try it for free. Because part of it is software. There's a software component to it. That's where all the assessments and all the data is crunched. And then there's a consulting part of it as well. And that's where I come in, where I help guide my clients, how to use the tool, how to get the most out of the tool, because otherwise it's just really interesting information.

Brian (00:15:30) - And I know I ran, you know, in running my businesses. I got 14 phone calls a day with really interesting information and one that was actionable. And I focus on the actionable. And that's what I love about what I do is I am setting my clients up to do something to move forward, to improve retention, to improve job fit, to improve coaching and give them tools. Every tool that they have that they will have for me has an action component.

Josh (00:16:05) - Yeah so again people Linux. Com. Any other resources that you'd recommend. You know when somebody goes to your website in terms of next steps.

Brian (00:16:15) - Yeah. So they can go into the website and again.

Josh (00:16:19) - Oh I'm sorry boy. I'm a lousy interviewer sometimes. I interrupted you like, okay, literally one second to do your answer. I interrupt you. Apologize for that. Okay. So you shared the resource and you made mention of the link. We will include that link in the show notes. I just want to put that out there.

Josh (00:16:36) - I'm sorry, Brian, back to you, sir. At Dot

Brian (00:16:41) - No worries that people at X-com, there's obviously there's contact info. You can call us. You can send us a note and we'll get in contact with you and help you go through some of this stuff. We'll set it up for you to try it for free. We can try the assessments for, you know, just to see if it's going to make any sense to you and add any value to your organization. Happy to do that. You can also hit me up on LinkedIn, right? So whether it's politics on LinkedIn or my own personal page where I, I put up short videos and talk about specific areas and concepts and things that every company is working on, almost every company struggling with everything from what do we do with millennials to how do I coach somebody and, you know, try to make those things effective for everybody and put it out there and, you know, lots of good things will come my way.

Josh (00:17:34) - Ryan, thank you so much for the work that you're doing.

Josh (00:17:38) - You know, again, and resolving pain. I don't think it could be underlined and and under or over the cost of turnover and what that can do to a company and the lost opportunities and the you know, timing gets screwed up. I mean, it is really one of the most critical things in my opinion, to get right in any company is that process of attracting the best and the brightest, the right fit, the folks that are really going to gel, you know, with your environment and your culture. Certainly something I hear a lot of. So again, Brian Gelt Founder, CEO, Peoplytix found on the web at Peoplytix. It's been great having you, Brian. Thank you so much for joining us.

Brian (00:18:19) - Thanks Josh, Great to be here.

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