1687 – Help In The Most Effective Way Possible with Cassa Grant

In this episode of the Thoughtful Entrepreneur, your host Josh Elledge speaks to the Business Coach & Consultant of Cassa Grant Communications, Cassa Grant.

Cassa Grant is not your typical leadership coach. She works with offbeat leaders, focusing on psychographics rather than demographics. Her clients have unique identities and a sense of adventure in their business. Depending on the stage of their business, Cassa tailors her approach to meet their needs.

By working with offbeat leaders, she effectively communicates who she works best with. Cassa has noticed a pattern of attracting people inspired by her eclectic background and adventurous spirit. She believes imposter syndrome often arises because traditional systems are not designed for offbeat leaders. By embracing her personality and experiences, Cassa has attracted the right clients who resonate with her approach.

Casa explained her approach to working with leaders, offering different programs based on their needs. She starts with a 15-minute meeting to determine if they are a good fit and then proceeds with a two-hour session to give them a taste of coaching with her.

Based on this session, she recommends her business or leadership programs, focusing on foundational elements and value-adding activities. Depending on the leader's needs, she addresses various areas such as delegation, conflict management, communication, and storytelling.

Casa highlighted the significance of resilience and self-reflection in learning from experiences and transforming oneself. She also discussed the impact of emotional regulation on leadership and the importance of prioritizing self-care as a leader.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Cassa's approach to working with offbeat leaders
  • Importance of working with the right clients
  • Cassa's experience in Antarctica and its lessons for entrepreneurship
  • Importance of self-care and emotional regulation in leadership
  • Cassa's approach to working with leaders and offering different programs
  • Importance of seeking appropriate feedback and support
  • Cassa's personal experience with coaching and its transformative impact

About Cassa Grant:

Cassa Grant is a seasoned business coach, consultant, trainer, and speaker specializing in brand and leadership development for small to mid-sized organizations. With over two decades of experience in the leadership field, Cassa brings a wealth of knowledge to her clients. Her corporate training expertise spans various areas, including goal achievement, ownership, culture, communication, and leadership.

Cassa's unique blend of brand and storytelling strategy, performance coaching, and subconscious mindset work sets her apart. She helps businesses boost their performance, enhance engagement, and ultimately increase profits through these techniques. Cassa's approach isn't just theoretical; she lives by the concepts she teaches, ensuring practical and impactful results for her clients.

In addition to her impressive career, Cassa's adventurous spirit shines through as she shares her experiences of traveling the world and working in Antarctica, adding an intriguing dimension to her professional journey.

About  Cassa Grant Communications:

Cassa Grant Communications understands the power of storytelling in defining and strengthening a brand's identity. With a core belief that “Your stories define your brand,” they specialize in crafting narratives that resonate with authenticity, significance, and relevance.

In today's competitive market, connecting with customers personally is crucial, and Cassa Grant Communications excels at achieving this through its storytelling expertise. By shaping and controlling the stories about a brand, they enable businesses to establish genuine connections with their target audience.

This approach caters to the desires of modern consumers who seek authentic and meaningful interactions with the brands they support. Cassa Grant Communications empowers businesses to meet these customer expectations, helping them stand out and thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape. Their dedication to storytelling as a means of brand communication sets them apart as a valuable partner in marketing and communication.

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Want to learn more? Check out Cassa Grant Communications website at

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Josh (00:00:05) - Hey there, thoughtful listener. Would you like consistent and predictable sales activity with no spam and no ads? I'll teach you step by step how to do this, particularly if you're an agency owner, consultant, coach or B2B service provider. What I teach has worked for me for more than 15 years and has helped me create more than $10 million in revenue. Just head to up my influence and watch my free class on how to create endless high ticket sales appointments. You can even chat with me live and I'll see and reply to your messages. Also, don't forget the thoughtful entrepreneur is always looking for guests. Go to up my influence com and click on podcast. We'd love to have you. With us right now, CassaGrant Casa, you are a leadership coach. You are found on the web at CassaGrant. That's CassaGrant, Comcast. So thank you so much for joining us.

Cassa (00:01:11) - Thanks for having me, Josh, I'm stoked to be here.

Josh (00:01:13) - Absolutely. So and you live part of the year in New Zealand.

Josh (00:01:18) - You also live in in California. It's funny because I saw your New Zealand contact information. I'm like, you fly American to me.

Cassa (00:01:27) - Yes, I'm one of the ones that got to get lured over there by, you know, the hobbits, the short shorts, the cool accents. And my partner is a kiwi, so I've been living there on and off for about six years now or seven years. Yeah. Oh, very cool. It's all true. It's wonderful there.

Josh (00:01:43) - Yeah. Yeah. So share with us the work that you do and like who you work with and kind of the outcomes that you help create.

Cassa (00:01:50) - Yeah. So I mean, I work with offbeat leaders. That's part of what I say. I like to focus more on psychographics rather than demographics. When I think about who I work with, I want people who have an identity of maybe someone who's a little funky, somebody who may have come into business in a roundabout way, but finds themselves going, Oh, this is actually really fun, like me and having this adventure with their business because that's who I am and that's who I find that I can help the most.

Cassa (00:02:19) - So depending on where they're at and what stage of business they're in, it depends. That's what we'll do is dependent on that, basically. Right? So that's basically who I work with. Is that answer that question.

Josh (00:02:31) - Well, yes, I wanted to point something out because I think it's quite brilliant that you work within your branding. You say that you work with offbeat leaders and and I'm curious about that filter that you put in because that's positioning, right? That's kind of communicating who you work best with. Tell me about that a little bit, because I think that that's when I saw that it immediately stood out. And I'm like, I love that.

Cassa (00:02:59) - Thank you. I'm glad. Well, I've started to notice and I think this is the interesting thing about niching. You have to go for what you're interested in, but you also have to notice who's attracted to you. And I started to notice, like I worked in Antarctica for years. I was an adventure travel bus driver for years and a teacher for many years.

Cassa (00:03:14) - So I have this kind of eclectic background, but it's more about. In retrospect, it's more about I saw something I wanted to do and I went and did it right. And so people, I think, get inspired by that. And the people who tend to be attracted to me are people who are like, Oh, I want to travel, or Ooh, I'm not somebody who necessarily got an MBA. Or maybe they did, I don't know. But it's more about how they think of themselves. And a lot of times, actually the dark side of this is that it tends to bring up some imposter syndrome from people. And I actually there's a lot of stories, there's a lot of things we could talk about with imposter syndrome. But I think that a lot of it comes from this idea of some of these systems are actually not designed for people who are offbeat leaders. Right? So we have to think about, well, how do we create spaces that include those people, but also include feel included ourselves? Right.

Cassa (00:04:00) - So that has been a really amazing way for me to bring the right people towards me. Like that's what I was telling you. I love my clients. I have such great clients and they are people like you who are like, Ooh, offbeat, that's me. I like that. And they don't think of themselves as this kind of staid. I had this idea in my head of like, I call her patty shoulder pads, but this like 80s business lady. When I started getting into business, I was like, Who is this new version of me? I don't know what this means. And so it really helped me go, You know what? You can do all kinds of different things in business and be really, really successful. You can show up however you want in terms of your personality. And that's what has really attracted the right people to me by saying by just going out and saying that.

Josh (00:04:43) - Right, Right. You know, and there's again, it's so critical. And I think that the longer that we're in business, you know, the more the easier it is to realize that we're not looking for the wrong people.

Josh (00:04:54) - In the beginning, I think you're like, oh, I want to work with everybody, right? Yeah. Yeah. And then you go through the rite of passage, have a few bad clients, and then you're like, No, actually, I'm not sure I want to work with jerks, for example.

Cassa (00:05:08) - And you start to realize that you get better results for a certain person who identifies a certain way. I'm not going to say a certain type of person, but a person who identifies a certain kind of way is going to get better results. And so why not work with the people who are going to get better results with the work that you do? Yeah, that's that's the goal is to help people in the most effective way possible in my mind anyway.

Josh (00:05:27) - Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So what do you see right now? Obviously, we're talking about imposter syndrome. What are some of the other ailments that your clients might be communicating of where it hurts prior to their engagement with you?

Cassa (00:05:44) - Yes.

Cassa (00:05:45) - Okay. Well, there's three basic places where people come transitions. Right. So they're just unsure. They know that there's a change, but they're not really sure where that change is going to take them and they're not really sure where they want to go with the change. That's where I think coach in general really helps with that. The other one is, is this it? Right. So I mean, I'm 43, you know, you do get some kind of I mean, I guess you could call it midlife crisis, but it's more like I've done this much this far. I've laid this foundation. Is this where I still want to continue to move to or should I pivot, figure out another direction or just a slightly changed my direction? Right. So that is a big one for people. Um, communication. So I mean, I, I specialized in branding for years. I was a copywriter and a brand strategist. And so that still influences a lot of my work. And so people are like, are people listening to me? I feel like they're not listening or I feel like I'm not landing.

Cassa (00:06:42) - And so, you know, we work on personal branding. We also work on how to edit yourself, because a lot of times people will just spew everything they think they know and the message gets completely lost. I'm sure you've seen that and heard that many times as well. So those would be probably the biggest areas. The other thing actually, too, though, is my team's not getting the results I want. Like I have this vision as a leader. I want this to be a certain way not and it doesn't have to be like my way or the highway, but just like, why isn't the company doing the thing that we intended? Or why isn't the team showing up the way that we intended? Have we not given them this or whatever? So it can be a That's why I say consultant too, because sometimes there are aspects of my engagements where I'm going in and just taking a look at what's going on and then making recommendations and helping implement those.

Josh (00:07:29) - Now I promise I'm going to ask some more business questions in a second.

Josh (00:07:33) - What were you doing in Antarctica?

Cassa (00:07:35) - Good question. Well, as mentioned, I was I was a bus driver. I started I got my license when I was 25. And I drove this adventure travel bus all over the US and Mexico and Canada. And so I had my CDL for a long time and my friend had worked out on the ice at Antarctica for years and he was trying to get me to come down. And so I came down as a driver. I drove a bus with five foot tall tires, like it's called a terra bus. It's called Ivan the Terrible. You can Google it. It's great. And that was how I first got down there. And then I moved into logistics management. So I started managing parts for the South Pole, traverse our our vehicle maintenance facility, all of these. It was a very it was a large department and a very, very dynamic needs. So I did that for a couple of years there. So I was on and off down there for about five years total.

Cassa (00:08:24) - Three winters and three summers. Yeah.

Josh (00:08:26) - Oh, my gosh. And I did. I just Googled it. Ivan, the terrible thing is a beast.

Cassa (00:08:32) - It's a beast. He bounces along. It's pretty. I mean, he tops out at, like, 30 miles an hour. I want to say. Sure, it's a good day if you're going 30 and Ivan. But I mean, you see the tires and you can tell why. So, yeah, it was an amazing experience and it was something that challenged me in ways that I had never been able to. How could you anticipate that? Right. And I think businesses at the same way, right? You get into business and you're just going, Oh, what am I doing? Like I remember watching the first my first winter, I was always working the flights in the airfield watching a C-17 takeoff and thinking, have I made a horrible mistake? Like there's not another plane down here for six more months? And I was really nervous.

Cassa (00:09:09) - But again, it just you start and you start to see other people fail to you know, there were people who really didn't do well. It's dark for five months of the year. Give or take, when you're down there for the winter and people struggle if they don't equip themselves well. And so I do use that parallel a lot with my clients, too, of like it's it's about the tools. And I'm not saying there aren't other inputs that would affect how you respond as an entrepreneur or how you manage your team. But if you, if you equip yourself with the right tools like now and there it was, take your vitamin D, use your happy light, get lots of exercise, eat well. All these things became non-negotiables because you really there was a person in particular who really was not well and he looked like a zombie and he'd be walking through the cafeteria, the galley, and just I just you'd look at him and think, oh, I hope that doesn't happen to me. Right? So and I'm sure as entrepreneurs, we all have that experience, too, right? So it's facing those fears while still focusing on what you what your goals are and letting that experience shape you, but not scar you if you can, if that makes sense.

Josh (00:10:14) - You know, and there's a lesson there as well. You know, and when you think about if you're going to be let's say you're going to have a season where you're going to be doing something hard, even if it's just a week, like, listen, this is going to be a really big push this week. And, you know, to make a part of, you know, or to prioritize self-care, to prioritize. Grace if you're expecting or demanding a lot from your team to just say, you know what, as a leader, I'm going to need to show some extra care and sensitivity in this case. And by the way, I'm surprised like so you wintered over. I've watched several documentaries on like living in Antarctica. So like, I have so much appreciation for the winter over crew because that's the, you know, and the mental health stuff and like that's all part of it. I was stationed in the Aleutian Islands and not nearly as extreme, but we didn't get sun and all the buildings were indoors.

Josh (00:11:16) - We just seldom went outside. And you're absolutely right, you have to do like so we learned wisdom, right, from other guides, people that have been there and done that a little bit longer. We we learn all of their, you know, their hacks or their their their recommendations. We are new to this. And they say, well, listen, there's probably some wisdom behind that advice. You know, so don't so so go ahead and prioritize that. But again, I think there's some wonderful lessons here.

Cassa (00:11:46) - Yeah. And I think that, like I said, you can take. You can take what you want from experiences. And so if you're able to really glean these things, that really helped you and look back and that's actually one of the top things that I recommend that people develop in themselves is self is resilience and self reflection. How what did I learn from it? How am I going to do things differently and then actually do it right? Because a lot of times that's the difference between information and transformation.

Cassa (00:12:09) - You might have this information, but if you don't apply it, you're not going to get that transformation. And that's how you build wisdom, frankly. So, you know, I can use those stories all all the live long day, and I do because it really even though people haven't been to Antarctica or maybe some of them have, they've been in a similar situation. I mean, you see it a lot with sports or extreme sports or I mean, you know, parenting. There's so many things that the ways that this kind of trial and that's basically the hero's journey and storytelling of like, you have a trial, you overcome it and then you learn from it or you don't like. I used to say, Well, I still say, Alanis Morissette says, You live, you learn. And then one of my friends goes, Sometimes you just live. Yeah, and that's okay too, as long as you keep paying attention, right? So, yeah, I mean, having that experience. It definitely, like I said, made self care, not a negotiable anymore.

Cassa (00:13:01) - It's like you you really do only have your health. And so I guess that's and especially as a leader to your emotional regulation will really show up in the way that people respond to you if you're not able to. And it's not saying that you suppress emotions by any means, but if you're not able to let them pass through you and so you can respond instead of react, you're not going to get the results that you want. Right? So it's understanding how to help people regulate those emotions in a way that's going to help them rather than hinder them.

Josh (00:13:32) - Yeah. So talk about or share like how you work with leaders, What does that typically look like? How do you engage together? So someone might be listening. You're like, Huh, I wonder if I should have a, you know, if I should have a leadership coach. Like, well, yeah, tell me more.

Cassa (00:13:50) - Well, I have different programs depending on what a person's situation is. So essentially what I'll do is I'll meet with somebody for 15 minutes and then if they seem like they're a good fit and as you said, you want to you want to filter people.

Cassa (00:14:02) - And honestly, I don't do this because I'm like, Oh, I don't like you. It's more like I'm just not the right person for you at this stage. And so I kind of filtered through that if they seemed like a good fit. We do a first session together because I want them to really understand what the experience of coaching with me is like so they can make an informed decision and I can understand which program to recommend to them because especially for business, I have a business program and I also have a leadership program, so I won't really know which program to recommend until we do that. First, it's a two hour session. From there, I'll recommend the programs. They can look at them. I give them the full overview and they can decide which one seems like it's most appropriate for them. The leadership one We do four foundational pieces and then we start to do ad hoc. So we look at their vision, their values, their strengths and and how they're interpreting things. And then we also start looking at true value adding activities.

Cassa (00:14:55) - What is what are going to be the needle movers? Because a lot of times I find, especially more as I do coaching, is the thing that you think is causing the problem is might not be the thing that's really causing the problem. So we really dig into, okay, what will be the things that we're actually going to have this domino effect and solve a lot of your problems if you focus on it first. And then from there, depending on where they're at. I mean, delegation tends to be a big one for a lot of leaders. Oh yeah. So we might go into delegation if that's where they feel like they're struggling, especially if someone's telling me I have a hard time manage my calendar or I'm overwhelmed. We're doing delegation, conflict management, communication, storytelling, all of these kinds of things. So depending on what they need, we just work on that, those those modules from there. And it's kind of like a plug and play basically for the business. One, it's a little more set.

Cassa (00:15:40) - It depends on where they're at, but it's looking at your business systems and really seeing where there are opportunities for improvement, where you might have gaps, where you might have holes in your systems or your. Profit, profitability or any of these kinds of things. It's like taking a good close look at that. So yeah, it just again, it depends on where the person's at and where they think they're struggling the most. But that becomes more apparent in that first session.

Josh (00:16:02) - Yeah. Listen, I can just vouch for someone that is in a leadership position and you're flying solo and you don't have someone that you can go to and talk about your worries and concerns and fears and insecurities. It's tough. It really is tough to do that on your own. And and what I find pretty consistently is top level leaders that are committed to performing and being able to show up day after day after day and be the best that they can. They're making investments there. And so I just wanted to just want to throw that out there.

Josh (00:16:38) - But Cassayour website and I know you've got some resources that are pretty valuable that you've put together for folks. So for someone to solicit a conversation and they want more Cassawhat what where would you recommend they go?

Cassa (00:16:53) - Well, as you mentioned on my website, I have a resources page that has different free and I'm not even asking you all my list. Those are just there so you can just have them. It's the five stories every leader needs, I think would probably be most relevant to your audience. Boost your message. So I do focus on post personal branding and and storytelling too. So those there's some stuff on storytelling and how to really make sure that your message lands. But I also honestly, I have to recommend my newsletter, which is weekly. It's called a Saturday Success Story, and in it I focus on different topics every week that come up either in sessions or from social media, that people have reached out to me and said, Hey, could you write a newsletter about this? So it could be things.

Cassa (00:17:32) - It's basically confidence, branding and leadership. So I focus on and a lot of those interweave to be honest too, because you can't lead others until you're able to lead yourself. And it's hard to do that if you're not building your confidence and you're not, as I said, having that self reflective practice. And it's also hard to communicate that to others if you don't understand personal branding, at least on a cursory level. I mean, I used to be very shy. I used to be very wary of the term personal branding because it sounded like, you know, Instagram influencer. But really what it is, it's about having that intention about who you want to be and how to communicate that to other people, because that's what the value of coaching is. Coaching came from sports performance, right? Who do I want to be on the court or who do I want to be on the field and how do I get there? And it's the same thing with with leadership or with running a business. It's having that vision and then working towards it.

Cassa (00:18:19) - And as you say, it's very inappropriate to be discussing some of these things with employees or partners or parents or friends. A They don't really have the experience to be able to give you the kind of feedback that you're looking for and be, especially in the case of the employee, you're burdening them with things that are really well above their pay grade, right? And it also creates a schism in how that relationship manifests later on. So I mean, I worked with coaches for years and it's changed my life and that's part of why I became a coach. I think it's a really powerful modality.

Josh (00:18:49) - Yeah. All right. Cassa Grant, your website, CassaGrant. Again, wonderful conversation on leadership. I love it. Love your personalities. Well, you're a great follow on LinkedIn.

Cassa (00:19:03) - I'll mention active on LinkedIn.

Josh (00:19:05) - Yes, I love you.

Cassa (00:19:06) - Are connect with me there, too.

Josh (00:19:08) - Yeah. Excellent. Excellent. All right. Cassa Grant, again, thank you so much for joining us again, your website, CassaGrant, thank you so much for joining us.

Cassa (00:19:17) - Thanks, Josh, Appreciate it.

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