1724 – The Stripped Down Guide to Content Marketing Success with John Egan

In this episode of the Thoughtful Entrepreneur, your host Josh Elledge speaks to  Content Creator & Marketing Strategist, John Egan.

Egan wide

John's journey began with freelancing for a credit card company in Austin, and his expertise has grown exponentially since then. This blog post aims to share the insights and lessons from our enlightening conversation.

One of the hot topics we delved into was the role of AI in content marketing. While AI is making waves in the industry, John believes that relying solely on AI-generated content can lead to generic output, similar to what everyone else is producing. He also highlighted that AI-generated content is not immune to errors, much like human-written content.

John emphasized the importance of having a unique brand voice and producing content that resonates with the target audience. This, he believes, is the key to successful content marketing.

When asked about recent trends in SEO and Google, John highlighted the importance of scannable content. He explained that readers are more likely to engage with content that is broken up into headlines, subheads, and bullet points. This allows them to quickly scan the content and find what they seek.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • John Egan's work and impact in the world of content marketing
  • John's expertise in working with personal finance brands
  • The current trend of using AI in content marketing
  • John's cautionary advice on relying solely on AI-generated content
  • John's expertise in writing co nsumer-focused content in the personal finance space
  • The importance of having a unique brand voice and resonating with the target audience
  • Observations and recommendations for content marketers
  • The importance of scannable content and capturing the reader's attention
  • The short attention span of internet users and the need to provide sought-after information
  • Closing remarks, including the mention of John's book and website, and encouraging listener engagement

About John Egan:

John Egan, a distinguished content creator and marketing strategist, boasts a rich background in journalism and content marketing. He embarked on his writing journey in newspaper journalism and climbed the editorial ranks before transitioning to content marketing in 2010.

His expertise led him to pivotal roles as editor-in-chief at Bankrate Insurance, SpareFoot, and LawnStarter. In 2017, he founded Jayhawk Media, becoming a prominent content marketing entrepreneur.

John has collaborated with renowned clients like Forbes Advisor, Experian, Bankrate, and The Balance, advising on content marketing strategies and contributing to the launch of personal finance websites.

His insights have earned him recognition from esteemed publications, including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. John's exceptional writing skills have garnered awards from organizations like the Texas Press Association and the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing.

With a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Kansas and a master's degree in communication from Southern New Hampshire University, Egan is not only an accomplished professional but also a world traveler holding dual citizenship in the United States and Ireland.

Tweetable Moments:

14:02 – “It’s so easy to hop from one thing to another and go down a rabbit hole online that if you're not giving people what they're looking for, they're just going to move on.”

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Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Want to learn more? Check out John Egan at

Check out John Egan on LinkedIn at

Check out John Egan on Twitter at

Check out John Egan on Instagram at

Check out John Egan on Facebook at

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