Podcast strategy
Today we're joined with our guest Jeremy Enns, founder and CEO of Counterweight Creative.
Counterweight Creative a podcast production and content amplification agency specializing in helping health and wellness entrepreneurs create podcasts and become the go-to authorities. There’s more to launching a successful podcast than hitting record and waiting for listeners to show up. While podcasting is more competitive than ever, Jeremy has developed a podcast launch framework to help you create content that resonates deeply with your target audience and get your show in front of them right off the bat.
Jeremy stated out by traveling the world for years. Doing record production and music part time, started discovering the world of online business and realized music production is a little difficult for recording in Studios with people remotely. He was a huge fanatic about podcasts at the time was able to pivot into that. Podcasting was continually taking off every year. When Jeremy first Pivoted back in 2015, podcasting was really starting to gain traction on a bigger level and he really quickly and easily found a bunch of clients and was able to go full time on that and hit the road
Jeremy’s mission is to help support each and every member of his team in being and becoming their best selves every single day. By running regular workshops to help in their personal growth, weekly co-working sessions, quarterly visioning & goal setting meetings and supporting each other personally as well as when it comes to the work we do. He wants to develop team members to the point where they have the skills, experience, and mindset to open up more opportunities elsewhere, but choose to stay because they’re bought into our culture and the people who create it.
He has designed a podcast agency around the principle that people brought together around a common goal can change the world. This belief flows through our decisions about who is hire on his team, the clients he works with, and who he partners with.
You are the expert when it comes to your subject matter, but don’t know the ins and outs of consistently delivering it to your audience? Jeremy will work with you on everything from content strategy to booking guests to audio post-production, content repurposing and social media management. He is there for you to take the tedious tasks out of the production process so you can focus solely on your zone of genius: Serving your audience.
He’s on a mission to teach everything I know about podcasting marketing, growth, and monetization for free. The opportunity is not to funnel information to our listeners but to take you on a journey of shared discovery.
If you've got a podcast you're looking to take to the next level or you're just looking to get started in the wide and wonderful world of podcasting, Jeremy would love to chat and talk through what it would look like to go from where you're at now to getting the results you want.
Learn more about Counterweight Creative and what Jeremy does as founder and CEO on this episode of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur.
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