Have you been wanting to restructure your marketing strategy?
Everything in this world change as time passes. The marketing strategy 5 days before may not be the same with what the current marketing strategy is. There are several things in this world that evolves and changes rapidly, and dealing with how to market things is one of those many things.
Cassus Media provides digital marketing solutions to businesses in the United States and Europe, using a “360° marketing strategy”. The method behind this is a structured series of tasks that must be set up before a business can effectively market online.
These businesses need to have:
- Website where customers get information and purchase products and/or services
- Branding materials such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter page covers
- Social media tactics are put into motion that bring the entire strategy together
Having these 3 elements creates a “lead generation” machine.
“When you're narrating the voice, the message that they're trying to speak to you is the most important part of music is just kind of background.” – Paul
Paul is the founder of Cassus Media, a company that provides a complete marketing strategy package to businesses in Europe and the United States.
Learn more how Cassus Media can massively improve your business’s marketing by listening to this episode of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur above and don’t forget to subscribe on Apple Podcasts – Stitcher – Spotify –Google Play –Castbox – TuneIn – RSS.
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Welcome to The Thoughtful Entrepreneur Show. I'm Josh Elledge, founder and CEO of UpMyInfluence.com where we turn entrepreneurs into media celebrities, grow their authority, and help them build partnerships with top influencers. So we believe that every person has a unique message that can positively impact the world. Even you stick around to the end of this show, where I'll share info on how you could be our next guest, three times a week, five to 15 minutes each learn from successful business owners and professionals. It's time to get inspired. Let's go. All right, podcaster. Lee, you are the owner of Cassus Media. Thank you so much for joining us, of course. Well, Paul, you're a fellow
military veteran, you served in the United States Marine Corps. And you had a pretty interesting job in the Marines. Tell, tell my audience what you did in the Marines. I was in the commandant, son, US Marine drum and Bugle Corps. And we would do West Coast tours we played at the Arlington National Monument in Washington, in Virginia. And we you know, we play all around the country. During my time, I wasn't able to go to Europe because they cut the budget, but the unit does now go over to Europe and perform in France and things of that nature. So I was a bugler fit. MLS fits 512. And it was just a great job. I got to make a living playing music.
Did you ever I would show obviously you're doing funerals and going to Arlington and that sort of thing. Did you ever have been of your time in? Can you think of any moments were that were particularly emotional, that you were a part of?
Absolutely. So one of the things that we would do is on Tuesdays at 7pm, we would do the show for at Arlington. And there's always a segment of the show where they do taps. So we would have our ceremonial bugler Staff Sergeant, I can't remember her name, but she would go up and she would play taps and everyone was completely still. And as a bugler myself, taps is one of the most powerful pieces of music. And it's just, you know, memory remembering the fallen. The you know, the brothers and sisters who gave their lives to defend the constitution and it's just very emotional, every show.
Have you ever?
Gosh, I
know there's been some performances of tabs just depending on the circumstances or what happened, you know, up to that moment, and you look around, there's not too many dry eyes. Well see, that's the power that that music has over us. And so one thing that you've been able to do is, so with cast is media, obviously you do a lot, lot of marketing, branding, web development. And you and I talked about previous conversation here about the power of music, and I know you're a musician, so obviously, you can compose your own stuff. But let's say that somebody is putting together an ad and they want to have a music bed on it. Why does somebody Why might someone or maybe let's say that they're doing a, you know, some other sort of promotional video, say it's two, three minutes long, like I've got a I've got a video on the front of my website, for example, that kind of explains what up my influence is, why would someone just want to have a music bad as opposed to just talking to the camera and no music? But what does what does music add?
Music adds that emotional element, and that that psychological impact. Music has the power to generate an emotion without having any other element incentives. So you could listen to a song right on the radio, and it could make you cry. So you pair that with a story and images and a commercial. That's just so powerful. And that's how brands are remembered. So that emotional timeline within that two to three minutes. That's what helps customers and consumers remember a brand.
You know, I think a good exercise might be the next time that say Super Bowl comes up or you're going to you're forced to watch a bunch of commercials is just to pay attention to the little background music. And oftentimes, it's not like a music bad per se, but it's a little flourishes here and there. And I think it's a fun exercise, just to kind of get meta about what we're being exposed to. Certainly there's no shortage of advertising. But it's really interesting to pay attention to what music choices top marketers use, what would be some good rules of thumb for music selection, like let's say that, you know, we want to convey certain emotions, like how do we how do we know how to supplement our material with great music?
Well, there's two things that everyone can understand. So if you want to create a sad commercial, your music is going to be slower, and it's going to be in a minor key. If you want it to be happy and make people laugh or comedic, it's going to be faster, you know, the rhythm behind it. All those different little elements that make you smile, or make you like, Oh, geez, you know, that's really sad. Maybe I should donate to this nonprofit, that kind of those kinds of things are what help to generate that emotion, you know,
in the arms of a stranger. Yeah, right. Exactly. Doesn't never hurts. And so what are some ways? So let's say that we're just talking about social media, web design, the use of video, you know, there's lots of great music repositories out there. I use audio jungle a lot. I know there's audio blocks. Usually, if you watch things like, you know, Sumo app Sumo where they've got, you know, deals, usually about once a year, you'll find a really good deal on a, you know, some music website where you can download royalty free music. And by the way, let me just tell you that in podcasts, you are not allowed to use, not royalty free music, you cannot use commercial music period, unless you get Express permission from the rights holder. I see that all the time drives me crazy, even though like we want to be able to use, you know, music that, you know, people have an immediate connection with already. I mean, that that's wonderful. But what are some? I mean, are there some general rules of thumb that marketers aside from just you know, making sure that it follows the emotion I mean, are there are there other things like in terms of volumes, any other principles that you see violated frequently, that you'd recommend that marketers pay attention to? A lot of the times, if you're narrating over the commercial,
if, you know, some commercials just have words on the screen, but a lot of times, there's a narration, the music's too loud, it should be a subconscious level, not something you have to pay attention to, but it's just there. So when you're narrating the voice, the message that they're trying to speak to you is the most important part of music is just kind of background. But subconsciously, that's creating that emotion, you know, in tandem with the story. Is there a way that we can test like, let's say we, we, let's say we have a video edited together? we edited it ourselves? We put some music on there? Like what would be a good question, we could ask somebody to find out if the music is effective, without like getting that, like you don't want people to be, you know, you want to find out but you don't necessarily want to draw attention to the music, because then there, then whoever is like they're hyper analyzing it, and you're not going to get good data. Is there a way to find out or, you know, some good questions to ask to know that we're using music appropriately? I'm sure. So the first question you would ask is, how does this commercial make you feel? Not even paying attention to the music, just the commercial? What emotion does this commercial make you feel? And if they say, well, it kind of makes me giddy or kind of makes me a little elated? Then you know, you have something? And then the next question, the follow up question would be, what do you think is making you feel that emotion? And many times their answer will be well, I, I don't know. It's probably the music. So that way, you know, it's music now. If if it wasn't the music, then you would say, you know, would you remember this commercial for the music? Or was it you know, something else? So if it's not the music, you know, maybe they wouldn't remember it as well. But music is the most memorable thing, you know, we hum tunes all the time, you know, that, that, that that that that at a McDonald's, everybody knows that. But it's so simple. It's only a two bar to bar phrase, right? But in a commercial, it's a longer period of time.
Hmm. Love it. Love it. So Paul, what do you do at cassis media.
So we establish, establish a 360 marketing strategy. So before we do any of the external marketing on social media, Google advertisements, YouTube ads, whatever it is, you have to think of where you're trying to drive people to the end, the end result, you want people to convert into customers on your website. So I focus on creating the website to be very visually appealing, effective, the SEO is maxed out all that. Once that's done, then we focus on the social media aspect with the graphics and videos. videos make up about 60 to 70% of online consumed content. Yeah. And then that's where that music element comes in, where you're trying to make that impact and drive people to your optimized website that looks modern, appealing and easy to use.
Hmm, okay, cool. And why don't we ask you a question is, so as a military veteran and a business owner? What, what do you What's your belief or your view on military veterans in business? What or is it is, is that something that's been helpful for you or something that you see, you know, what? I know now I know, a lot of other military veteran business owners. And I noticed something like, is there is there anything inherent about that service that you think makes is an advantage for someone that wants to be in business for themselves?
Absolutely. Well, in any branch that you serve, in your taught discipline, and in business, lot of people fail in their business, because they don't have the discipline to keep doing the things that they need to be doing. Veterans are used to doing work, we know how to work hard, we know how to sweat, we're not afraid of sweat, we'll get in the dirt crawl under the barbed wire, all that stuff. I think veterans as entrepreneurs, make the best entrepreneurs, because we know how, you know, to just bite the bullet, take the pain, we know, you know, we have to stay up till 3am doing something we'll do it doesn't bother us. You know, we just do it. We don't complain. Yeah, I just had a question,
or I just had a conversation with a friend we were talking about, you know, I don't know if in music, when you went to school, you know, a school or whatever, whatever it was in the Marine Corps. You know, even when I was in journalism school, we actually had our own Hell Week. And it was just an insane amount of work that had to be done. And add to that, you know, we had watches and PT and all this other stuff. And that was by design. And it was, it was more work than I mean, I went to college, I blew away. I mean, I got maybe 10 hours of sleep the entire week. It just, I mean, it was literally that level of work. And it was specifically designed to push you way beyond your comfort zone. And I was talking to my friend Thomas this morning about that. And he said, You know, that's, you know, when you're when you're forced to do the uncomfortable thing over and over and over again, your circle of comfort just gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And you know, what's nice is now when you have those very difficult experiences, you can go and now when you let's say you have something because everybody's always doing like entrepreneurs, like we're always you do it tired, and you do it when it's uncomfortable. And what's nice about having had those difficult, you know, and again, I'm not sure about your experience, I wasn't necessarily tip of the spear, you know, as a journalist myself, you know, I did have those experiences where I'm like, you know, crap, if I could do that if I could survive, you know, a week with only 10, sleeping 10 hours, I can get up at 5am this morning. And I will say that to myself is like, Look, if I did that, I can do this. And right. And I think that's something really, really valuable that, you know, when you're in the military, you're probably going to have some experiences that are going to be pretty challenging. And so, Paul, so I just want to say thank you for your service. And you know, also I want to say thank you so much for joining us. And of course Cassus Media is on the web at cassusmedia.com. Paul, you're the owner, how long ago did you start casters media?
I launched it in August of 2017.
Okay, that's awesome. Well, and you've done a lot of good work, just kind of looking through your LinkedIn profile. You've been out there doing good stuff. So thank you so much for joining us. Thanks for having me, Josh.
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