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Our Product Launch on Kartra

May 19, 2019

I LOVE sharing what’s going on behind the scenes with you. We recently went live with a major launch and I’m going to tell you how.

I don’t know if you’re like me, but sometimes you see launches happening or you see people doing things and you’re like, “man, how do they do that?” Let me lay it out for you.

In the past, I’ve used a number of programs including Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Funnel, Click Funnels and lead pages. However, for this launch, I’m using Kartra, an all-in-one marketing platform that’s been around for about a year.

I’ve found that the Karta community is filled with people who have tried other solutions and they really like the stability and the finish that Kartra provides. I think Kartra is solid at this point, in terms of performance.

There have been a couple of quirks and a few missing features, but I think those will come. I’ve been using it for about 30 days and they’ve added a few features I’m really happy with.

A lot of times when you are going live with a product, solution or service you may not need a full WordPress web page. In our case, we want to share a lot of very, very high-value video content. It’s not necessary for us to send people to WordPress because there’s a lot of things they could get distracted with. Plus, you can host the videos directly on Kartra.


Kartra offers checkouts integrated with Stripe or Paypal. You can do A and B testing and the page builder is very attractive.

A lot is also going on behind the scenes. You’re managing your leads, your building your funnels, you’re sending emails. I find the email delivery to be very good – best in class, even, in terms of making sure the emails get to your leads and not their spam folder.

It integrates with Zapier, which is awesome! I’ve also got it integrated with slack and our quiz program, which by the way, if you haven’t: Check out my authority quiz! UpMyInfluence.com/Quiz.

Overall, I’d highly recommend Kartra. If you’d like to see what the page looks like (or if you’re interested in our Authority masterclass product) visit upmyinfluence.com/freeclass. Even if you’re not interested in the product, I’d encourage you to go see exactly what I’m doing.

Like what you see? I’ve partnered with Karta to give you a 14-day FREE trial of the product. Visit UpMyInfluence.com/Kartra and you can play around with it.

This blog isn’t the end of it though. I’ve got WAY more information for you in the video or podcast episode above. Give it a watch (or a listen) and let me know what you think. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

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UpMyInfluence is an Influence Agency dedicated to turning thoughtful entrepreneurs into media celebrities increasing their authority, influence and revenue. To learn how we can help YOU check out Josh’s free webinar.

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