account based marketing

Leveraging Podcasts as an Account-Based Marketing ABM Tool

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has emerged as a cornerstone strategy for aligning sales and marketing efforts towards the most lucrative accounts. But how do you cut through the noise and genuinely engage decision-makers at your target companies? Enter the power of podcasts. This guide dives into leveraging podcasts as a strategic tool in your ABM arsenal, transforming the way you connect …

podcast cost

How Much Does It Cost to Produce a Podcast?

Podcasting has become popular for sharing information, stories, and entertainment. Understanding podcast costs in starting and maintaining a podcast is crucial for anyone looking to venture into this field. This article will discuss the various expenses involved with podcasting, ranging from equipment costs for independent creators to hiring a podcast production agency. How much does starting a podcast cost? Starting …

b2b podcast

8 Reasons to Start a Podcast for Your B2B Business

Podcasts offer a unique avenue for B2B businesses to engage directly with their audience, establish thought leadership, and unlock networking opportunities. This article explores eight key reasons why incorporating a B2B podcast into your marketing strategy can drive growth, enhance brand visibility, and foster meaningful industry relationships. From leveraging the power of storytelling to expanding your reach, the benefits of …

Podcast Guest Preparation Feature Image

Podcast Guest Preparation 6 Expert Tips to Elevate Impact

Streamlining Podcast Guest Preparation for Success Podcast guest and podcast guest preparation is really valuable. Working with respected guest speakers in your niche will change your show from good to great (even if you sometimes have to pay to have them in your podcast). Thanks to remote recording technology, we can do podcast interviews with individuals from anywhere worldwide. However, …

Podcast Community Cover

Podcast Community Secrets: 10 Power Tips for Authority

Boost Your Authority with Podcast Community What makes a strong podcast community? Is it the same as the audience for your podcast? Well, there are some significant distinctions. Your podcast audience consists of folks who listen to your podcast. Whereas a podcast community consists of folks who listen to you, eagerly follow, and keep up with everything relevant to your …

Your Podcast Debut Guide Cover

Podcast Debut Magic: Captivate Your Audience In 3 Steps

Your Podcast Debut: A Step-by-Step Guide Preparing for your podcast debut will take some effort; however, your monthly budget will remain the same. You can format your podcast any way you want, with 5-minute or 1-hour episodes, educational or conversational. It’s entirely up to you how the world perceives you and what kind of energy they’ll associate with it. With …

Podcast Monetization Strategies

Podcast Monetization: Top 10 High-Impact Tips For Success

The podcast scene is constantly changing, and more tools than ever exist to help podcasters make a living from our craft. As the market expands quickly and podcast monetization becomes more prevalent, everyone’s thoughts turn to income generation from the podcast. Now that your production has been covered (a.k.a. content and audio or video tools), you may wonder, “How can …

podcast marketing strategy guide feature image

Podcast Marketing Strategy: 15 Explosive Power Moves

Podcast Marketing Strategies to Dominate the Market So, you finally decided to start your podcast. Nothing can beat that feeling, right? You’re very excited, and at the same time, have huge expectations from it. And why wouldn’t you? Your hard work in researching, interviewing experts, promoting brands, and gathering actionable tips must cultivate a great response. However, you noticed that …

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10 Podcast Editing Tools for Outstanding Shows

Best Affording Podcast Editing Tools The raw, unedited content you record for your next podcast episode has immense potential. Whether you make the most of that potential depends on your imagination as much as on the podcast editing tool you use to produce your podcasts. A lot is happening ‘behind the microphone’ to produce a stand-out show. Yes, I’m talking …

How to Make the Best Out of a Bad Podcast Interview Feature Image

How To Make The Best Out Of A Difficult Podcast Interview

How To Make The Best Out Of A Difficult Podcast Interview Every podcaster has had the experience of having a difficult podcast interview (I have had my fair share of this). I want to be clear: this is not about good and terrible people (although some dishonest people occasionally get past your vetting process). It’s about the result, succeeding or …

Be Kind to Yourself with Self Love Revolution’s Jonathan Troen

Treat yourself better. The guest with us today is Jonathan Troen, Self Love Mentor and Chief Inspiration Officer at Self Love Revolution. Jon’s company is all about moving towards self love to live a happy life. He focuses on letting others discover their self love and through that they can become happier and work harder towards their goals. Self Love …

Running Your Business On Purpose with Madeleine MacRae

Innovation in the home professional industry. The guest with us today is Madeleine MacRae, the CEO of MMMacRae Coaching & Consulting. Madeleine is a business coach offering advice and mentorship as a boutique business in the home improvement space. Her business is 5 years old and she has trainings to help business owners make repeatable sales and build relations with …

Crafting Your Message Effectively with Simply Good Press’s Jane Tabachnick

The power of content marketing. The guest with us today is Jane Tabachnick, the Chief Buzz Creator at Simply Good Press. Jane works with mission-driven female entrepreneurs and helps them with their content, PR, and becoming authors. She is different from other mentors because she helps them determine what they need to outsource and delegate. Simply Good Press will help …

Listening to Your Inner Voice with Chandy Business Solutions’ Ruble Chandy

Double your revenue. The guest with us today is Ruble Chandy, the President of Chandy Business Solutions. Ruble is an investor, thought leadership advisor and strategist. His company is all about getting his clients to the next level. The most frequent pain points in business are: product, marketing, and the sales process. He advises business owners and helps them improve …