Helping average investors compete and beat the Wall Street elite.
Nick Santiago is the President, CEO, and Chief Market Strategist of InTheMoneyStocks.com.
InTheMoneyStocks.com provides live, actionable trades in stocks, commodities, currencies, options, and crypto using proprietary setups, technical analyses, and cycle projections with a proven 82% success rate.
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Welcome to The Thoughtful Entrepreneur Show. I'm Josh Elledge, Founder and CEO of UpMyInfluence.com. We turn entrepreneurs into media celebrities, grow their authority, and help them build partnerships with top influencers. We believe that every person has a unique message that can positively impact the world. Stick around to the end of the show; we'll reveal how you can be our next guest on one of the fastest growing daily inspiration podcasts on the planet in 15 to 20 minutes. Let's go.
And with us right now, we've got Nick Santiago. Nick, you're the President, CEO, and Chief Market Strategist for InTheMoneyStocks.com. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for having me. Nick, what was your journey into becoming a trader? Because that's where you you kind of started right it which has kind of led you to what you do today.
Yeah, believe it or not, whatever. got me hooked in the markets was I'm from New York. So everything is market related in New York. But I had gotten ill at one time in my life and I went to the doctor's office and the guy, the doctor saw me reading the Wall Street Journal. I was 19 years old. He said, Hey, kid, I got a tip for you. And I said, Oh, yeah. And he gave me the tip. And he showed me this company that was going to make an over the counter aids test. And I invested in it. First trade I ever did in my life. I made $10,000 inside of six months, and I was completely hooked. Suffice to say I lost that 10,000 in the prior in the following six months. So yeah, I learned a lesson that this isn't such an easy business. But that's basically the start of the markets for me. And later I became a stockbroker. And then I really just didn't like the hard selling. And I started to gravitate towards the trading part of it. I started to wonder what moves markets why why the markets go up. Why do they go down? It's not as As random as a coin toss, what does it and I started to really look into the charts. And I started to read the money flow. And I actually started to get good at it. And at some point, I just said, I'm gonna go and trade my my own money. And I was doing that and successfully doing it. And somebody came to me and they said, Hey, would you show me what you do? How did you learn that? And I, yeah, sit down, I'll show. And next thing I know, they referred me to teach them to somebody else. And it became a business and I went to my partner, who is now my part and I said, Hey, I think I got a business here. Would you want to jump in? I think this is gonna grow. And he jumped on board and that was 13 years ago. And here we are in the middle of Coronavirus and we're successfully trading this market. Yeah. So yeah,
you know, again, as of when we're recording this, we're right in the midst of you know, where everything is shut down. And here we are just in the markets or you know, I I'm surprised you're able to break away here for just a little bit to do this interview. Because it's just such a tumultuous time as of when we're recording this right now. Yeah, it'd be nice to know. So to the future us that are now listening to this, as is published live a couple months from now, man, I wonder what happened to the market. But I suspect like you do that, you know, eventually we'll get to a point where it'll bottom out. And then people like me are going to be like, holy crap, it's deal time and jump in and and get well positioned.
I'm in agreement with that. I actually was playing the bear side, which was the downside of the market until recently. And now I'm looking to buy stocks. So I've been buying stocks actively since last Thursday. And we're going to be volatile this year. But I will tell all of your all of all the people that view this program, is that you want to be in this market by the end of the year, we're going to get another monster move up and take advantage of it. It may seem scary. It may seem frightening to jump back in. That's when you have to do it when everyone else is fearful. You have to get greedy.
Yeah. So to everybody right now who is like way under under portfolio, what do they do? This shouldn't This shouldn't this shouldn't be rocket science. But Nick, go ahead and tell us anyway.
I mean, if you're a way under on your portfolio now you really just got to ride the course and again, buy more. That's not normally my strategy as a trader, as a trader, I'm in and out so quickly, sometimes I can be in a trade in five minutes today, I got out of, you know, three trades today in you know, before the noon hour. So, again, it's a very, very fast market. But for the most for the most part, if you're a long, longer term trader, you want to be involved in this market, at least by the end of the year. Get ready. We'll have a rocket ship ride back up. And, again, you know, you get things like the Coronavirus, which is really unprecedented. We've never really had this happen. But all the same, you know, you have to realize that You got to buy stocks when everybody hates them, and you got to sell them when everybody loves
him. Now,
yeah, I want to get back into your history in just a moment. But you know, another thing that we're dealing with this year, of course, is the presidential election. And so without necessarily getting political about it, I mean, election years can create volatility as well. And I think that, you know, potentially, you know, you've got, you know, particularly I think when you looked at the, you know, the current sitting president, and, you know, who was for a while they're looking, you know, Bernie Sanders looking like he was the front runner, of course, that changed up and now, as of when we're recording this, it looks very solidly, like it's going to be Biden. So how does it how do presidential elections affect the stock market?
They have a big impact on the stock market. In fact, the Democratic primary has been really a roller coaster ride because the healthcare stocks with the rise of Bernie Sanders has been dado stocks have been tanking. So if you own the United States Or Cigna or you mana these companies have really been hammered. Once Bernie Sanders fell out a little bit and Joe Biden took over those stocks have come up like, like a rocket ship. So again, when you whenever you get elections, especially a presidential election, it really can be a volatile year and you know this time around look like President Trump was gonna slide right in there but with the economy falling right now. Yeah. And a lot of people are gonna look at the handling of this Coronavirus. It could be a tough a tough run for him.
Hmm, yeah. So, take me back to when you're a stockbroker. And is it like, you know, kind of like a Glengarry Glen Ross Wolf of Wall Street to me, is it kind
of like that or it really is like that.
It wasn't so much like Wolf of Wall Street. It was more like Glengarry Glen Ross, as you were, you know, given leads and you just basically cold call I mean dating the front doesn't care how you get a client, they just want you to get clients. And you know, the most known way is cold calling. So you would cold call businesses, and you get rejected 500 times a day. And maybe you get one or two leads in a sale. And you go through that every single day. And it was a very, very tough grind. At some point, when you built up a big enough book, and you became good at the profession, that worked out, believe it or not, a lot of my old clients are members of money stocks, and they pay you just a fraction of what I used to charge him as a commission. So they really liked the new business a lot better.
Absolutely. And the funny thing about it with me was, I was always gravitating more towards the trading side. So I wasn't the guy that was telling you about the next great biotech, like The Wolf of Wall Street was making up some story, I would just show the, the potential client the chart, and I would say, hey, see, when this happens, the stock is going to move up to this level, and I would show them on the chart, how the stock moves. And, you know, even to this day, I boasts an 82% 85% success rate. That's kind of unheard of in the business. I'm not an overwhelmingly heavy trader, meaning I don't use a lot of share size, but I'm consistent and as long as you're consistent and you continually make those gains, you're going to have a very, very good lifestyle ahead of you. And that's What I've been able to do for myself and also for all of the members of InTheMoneyStocks.com.
Yeah. So why does somebody teach others how to? I mean, obviously, there's a business in there. But what if someone was kind of really skeptical and said, Well, if you're doing so well just keep doing your own trading. And you know, you don't need to sell people anything. So great
question, and I'm going to show you why I figured you'd ask that. And I'm going to show you this book right here. This book is written by what I like to call my mentor, William Dell again, and he wrote this book in the 40s, towards the end of his retirement, and he was a trader all through the 1900s and probably known as one of the most successful traders and one of the things I was never going to teach, I never thought I would even get into that. But he said, Why do people write books? And he said, some people write it for fame and ambition. But the writer who does the greatest good for his readers and for himself is the man who writes whatever sincere desire to help others. So if I've benefited from his work, I just thought it was only fitting that I would help others benefit as well as long as they want to, if they don't want to, I don't care if they come in or not. But the bottom line is, if you talk to any of the members that have trained under me, most of them become pretty successful, those that don't have what it takes, maybe at this point in time to really do it. They've learned a lot. And it's also helped them in their investments, whether it's real estate, whether it's buying a car, whether it's buying a boat, or anything else, it's all relative. So that's that's really the reason why I continue to do it to this day, but honestly, I don't have to do it. And it's just a it's a blessing to be able to help somebody.
Yeah. And, you know, I think one thing that you know, in any service provider can go through this exercise and ask themselves Listen, if I don't provide the This service to the marketplace, what are the consequences of that? And, you know, where Nick, you've learned and amassed so much knowledge and you've developed a skill set. That's, that's extremely valuable. If people don't get access to your information, and they're just like watching, you know, people, spout off opinions on YouTube, and then they follow that advice, you know, and they don't have the opportunity to learn from you. There's a consequence to that people suffer, people lose money, people get raked over the coals financially, and there are serious consequences to that, you know, for us. You know, I know that if we if I don't act, this is what keeps me up at night. If I don't act, if I'm not out on those stages, and I'm not sharing what I know. business people will go out of business people will spend ridiculous sums of money on public relations and other nonsense. They'll dump all this money into Facebook ads that you know Might not be working, I can help them, you know, keep keep more of their own money and help them realize the impact that they want to have in the world. So I would imagine that plays into a lot of what you do when somebody doesn't have to do what they do financially. I don't have to do this, right. You don't have to do this. But we do it because we absolutely love seeing the fruits and being able to see that light bulb Come on for someone and say, Oh my gosh, it works, right. That's the, that feeling is so addictive. Like it's like a drug for me.
It is it's something it's probably the greatest feeling in the world. And when you can help someone you know, Zig Ziglar once said, If you help enough people get what they want. You're always going to get what you want. And really, you know, we all live by that we will have a much better society on our hands. You know, not every time will I succeed. This is a humbling business. I'll be the first to tell you but you When I started this company was in 2000, late two, it was in 2007. And the market was like it is today, a roller coaster in 2008. We know what happened with the financial Great Recession crisis. But you know, all of our members made lots of money. A lot of people were able to help family members. So right then and there, we helped, you know, thousands of people through that crisis survive it. And you know, I had a member once he lost his job, and he goes, I'm never going back to work. I'm just going to trade now. And he's been a member ever since. And that that's kind of rewarding in and of itself, that you could help somebody during a financial crisis where they lost their original job. And now they're, you know, a full time trader.
Nick, how do you help people overcome the emotions associated with training trading, because I know that, you know, I've heard that, you know, argument a lot, you know, just humans inherently are just not good traders. We get too emotionally involved. In what's going on, and and our emotions are not what we should be, you know, pushing buttons with,
right? So how I do it is, as I said earlier, I use charts. And I'm always looking at the money flow. And that's all I care about. I don't care what a company does. I don't care what a company makes, I don't care who the CEO is, I don't care about the PE ratio, or the book value or any of that stuff. All I care about, are the institutions moving an equity up, or the moving it down, and we just want to follow that, that's all it is. So if I'm wrong, I just say I'm gonna take my loss. It's a small one, I'm going to move on, and we'll find the next equity. That's the best way to be you want to train yourself almost like a robot. You don't want to really have any emotional ties. One of the biggest problems I see for traders is that they'll go ahead and they'll lose money in the stock and they'll try to get even with it. And I think stocks are for trading. They're not there. They're not, you know, they're not against you, the CEO doesn't know you the CFO does. Just trade it, don't fall in love with it, you know not you're not gonna marry that thing. It's just, you know, it's just an equity just looking for money flow.
Yeah. Nick, how did how are you able to build up in the money stocks calm as as kind of a thriving community in business? Like what were those initial things? And and how did you get people to come on board with you and what were those first steps?
So when I first started the business, what I did was I would put out a lot of free content. And it was just putting it out there and a website called and they laughed at Noah calm. They picked it up. It was a financial website, and they put me that a little is this guy using witchcraft was the headline. And they had a little story about me, and I never even spoke with them. And above me was Warren Buffett, below me, I believe was George Soros. So you're talking about two of the richest men in the world and here they stick me in there does this guy Use witchcraft. How is he predicting the markets? And next thing I knew I woke up the next day I had 500 members. It was just the most incredible feeling in the world. And I said, Oh my goodness, this is now a real company. It's a real business.
Wow. And and then what do you Where do you go from there?
After that it's really just been word of mouth. We don't even advertise, basically, you know, we'll post it up on our blog. A lot of websites will contact us and try to pick up my information or any anything that I do radio shows now contact me regularly, and I do the radio broadcasts quite often. I've done a couple of appearances television wise, and really that's it. I don't, I don't do any kind of real marketing. There's no marketing budget in this business and this company.
Wow. You know, so I got to tell you that I'm such a huge fan of that model. You know, giveaway what other people charge for just investing And your audiences build that trust, and people just can't help. But say why I already feel like you know, we're, you know, we're best friends, why on earth would I go to anyone else? You know, when when you and I have already spent so much time together? I think it's a great philosophy for growing business today.
Yeah, and one of the things I do in my programs when I, when I have a service, I meet with all of our members, I meet with them every week, every Thursday afternoon, at four o'clock, we get together and we discuss the market and they say, hey, Nick, why did you do this? Why did you do that? Hey, great job on this. What can we do to bet what can we do better to change it? So I'm always taking back taking in feedback from the members and I'm, you know, they can ask me questions all the time about the markets. And, you know, I think that's the best way to go about that. Be very transparent and open and let them teach them. Just teach them a lot of people want to just learn. There are people that just want the fish there are other people People that want to learn how to fish. So we have something for everybody here. And it's really just been a real blessing.
Hmm. And so Nick, what would be a great way for people to kind of begin that journey with the work that you guys are doing it in the money stocks?
Yeah, they could come over, take out, try one of the low cost programs, see how it is. Come over meet us come to one of the live broadcasts that we do. And we take questions from all of the members in attendance. I do that every Thursday afternoon after the market closes. And that's just the best way to go about it. And then you can see, what we do is a lot of people posted a track record and it's all BS. I'm in every single trade with these guys. I post it as soon as as soon as I get it, we send out a text alert, telling them here's the trade. So they get it live time basically, you know, a lot of times the members get a better entry than I get so it's been quite, you know, it's been quite incredible today alone. Me too. Options trades that already triggered for roughly over 60% in one day. So it's, you know, it's been a great, great journey. And even in these volatile markets where we're still making a lot of money,
man, that's amazing. So Nick Santiago, again, the website is InTheMoneyStocks.com. Nick, you're the president, CEO and Chief market strategist. Thank you so much for joining us anything else that people should know, just in terms of, you know, what value you can provide them?
Yeah, they can come on over, check out the website. We have tons of free content out there, read that free content, go through it. Look at all the different things that we put out and we provide and choose a service you might like. And again, you know, we try to just help people navigate through these tough times. It may seem tough, but it really it's just about human psychology. That never changes. Human Nature never changes. It never has it never will. And then Markets never changed. They never will just have to know what to do at certain points in time when the trend breaks like it has now, but there's a lot of opportunity out here, and hopefully people can benefit from it.
Awesome. Nick Santiago, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for having me, Josh.
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