Daniel Nessim Wide

A New and Efficient Way to Insure with A&C Management’s Danny Nessim

A New and Efficient Way to Insure with A&C Management’s Danny Nessim Insurance! Hate it or love it, insurance continues to confound mere mortals. That’s the precise reason that has led Danny Naseem to the shores of success as founder and CEO of A&C Management Group. Danny started A&C Management as a consultancy in the health insurance market. There surely …

Dickerson Wide

Real Estate Syndications with Goodegg Investments’ Annie Dickerson

Real Estate Syndications with Goodegg Investments’ Annie Dickerson Would you like to invest in real estate and build lasting family wealth? Would you like to see your money work for you as a faithful servant? Certainly, everybody believes in the time-honored strategies of putting money away in a savings account, investing in mutual funds, and trying their hand at playing …

Choi Wide

Caring for Your Energy with Conscious Business Coaching’s Anna Choi

Caring for Your Energy with Conscious Business Coaching’s Anna Choi Entrepreneurs and professionals in all fields eventually realize they must take ownership of their business and life in general. If you belong to this category, there’s a good chance you’ve never heard of Anna Sun Choi. Anna is a coach for conscious business leaders and entrepreneurs. If you need a …

Nessim Wide

One Million Likes on Tiktok with the Pre-Med Consultants’ Adam Nessim

One Million Likes on Tiktok with The PreMed Consultants’ Adam Nessim You’ve probably never heard the name “Adam Nessim.’” And, that’s because you may not have had reason to. Yet, even as a student doctor, Adam Nessim is forcing everyone to take note of his work. With more than a million likes on Tiktok, you can bet the young man …

Thornton Wide

Real Skincare for Men with Tiege Hanley’s Kelley Thornton

Real Skincare for Men with Tiége Hanley’s Kelley Thornton There’s no doubt that women dominate the beauty industry, and that’s in terms of the business and the clientele. But, if you’ve ever thought about a beauty line for men, you’re probably late to the party. Kelly Thornton has beat you to it with his Tiege Hanley brand, a beauty line …

Yeager Wide

Fitness and Transformation with Russ Yeager

Fitness and Transformation with Russ Yeager As we know, the fitness training industry has changed and has no doubt joined the bandwagon of online businesses going greatly. But unlike the fitness tutorials we are used to, Russ Yeager, Founder, and CEO of Fitness Together & Russ Yeager online coaching, in an interview with UpMyInfuence, has chosen to go a little …

Graulich Wide

Opportunities in Franchising with ION Franchising’s Lance Graulich

Fantastic Franchising. On Today’s episode, we have Lance Graulich; the CEO and Founder of ION Franchising., a company committed to helping companies promote, grow, and scale their brands. Lance Graulich has grown his company up to a stage where both his friends and colleagues see it as a respectable outfit. ION has performed so well in their niche that they …

Coletti Wide

Reputation Resilience In and Around a Crisis with Kith’s Bill Coletti

Meet Kith, your Organization’s Best Friend in the Time of Crisis While companies are spending millions to avoid crisis, others relax and have their mess taken care of. Yes, that’s what Kith does; they are a crisis communication and reputation management company focused on helping organizations defend their reputation at all costs. As unconventional as this business may sound, they …

Grinberg Wide

Client On-Boarding with Proofpoint Marketing’s Mike & Gaby Grinberg

Proofpoint Marketing: The Tech Companies and Software of the Future Mike and Gaby Grinberg are both founders of Proofpoint Marketing SEO; a B2B digital marketing agency with particular emphasis on a survey, stakeholder interviews, and other strategic services. They also offer performance marketing, and execution plans for clients, emphasizing software and tech companies. Well, Mike, Gaby Grinberg joined Josh Elledge …

Hinrichsen Wide

Refinancing Auto Loans with WithClutch’s Nicholas Hinrichsen

Nicholas Hinrichsen: Meet the man that draws Customers closer to their Car Loans with low interest rates Due to the growing interest in the car loan sector, there has been an increasing demand for a professional approach to enable prospective car owners finance a car purchase with a lower interest rate. People with such interest should look no further because …

Clement Wide

Content and Brand Management Platform with Loomly’s Thibaud Clement

Meet Loomly, a Company Dedicated To Creating Contents and Schedules for other Companies to Thrive Thibaud Clement is the CEO and Founder of Loomly. This company focuses on creating content and a schedule, with an entire workflow for a team and a project management tool integrated. It was Thibaut Clement’s turn to speak on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur podcast with Josh, …

Meyer Wide

Exec Level Job Board with ExecThread’s Joe Meyer

ExecThread: A Business designed to help Business Owners Create Contents and a Schedule, using a Project Management Tool   Joe Meyer is the CEO and Founder of ExecThread, a platform dedicated to helping thousands of companies and small businesses worldwide develop content and a schedule. They do this using some project management tools; with an optimal work model that provides …

Wolf Wide

Podcasts Now with Audivita’s David Wolf

From Freelancing to Entrepreneurship: The Story of David Wolf, and the Journey into Entrepreneurship David Wolf is the founder and CEO of Audivita: a 3-year-old company specializing in audiobook and podcast production for authors. He appeared on Today’s podcast with Josh Elledge, CEO and founder of upmyinfluence. During the 20minute interview, David took his audience through the music business and …

Wilcox Wide

A Crowdfunding Success with Parkit Movement’s Steven Wilcox

Steven Wilcox: A Man focused on Bringing People Together through the Creation of Outdoor Chairs In yet another exclusive interview with Josh Elledge, Founder and CEO of upmyinfluence, a platform dedicated to turning entrepreneurs into media celebrities, growing their authority and building partnerships with top influencers, Josh interviews Steven Wilcox, the CEO of Parkit. In this Podcast, Steven explains quite …

Nickel Wide

Full Financial and Lifestyle Changes with Code Red Lifestyle’s Cristy Nickel

Code Red Lifestyle: A Company Dedicated to bringing her Clients back in Shape Cristy Nickel is the CEO and Founder of Code Red Lifestyle; she is among the few American women of her age who has attained such feat. Cristy had what you may call a humble beginning; having been raised in a poor home, Cristy has decided not to …

Wells Wide

Apple-Focused IT Services with Interlaced.io’s Justin Wells

Propelling teams towards their dreams. Today on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur we’re joined with Justin Wells, CEO of Interlaced.io.   Justin became CEO of Interlaced in 2019. Since then, he’s been focused on pouring startup growth on his 11-year old company. Interlaced’s north star is providing People-Focused IT for creative and innovative organizations.  Their core differentiation in the IT world is that …