Online Education That Combines Practical and Theoretical Knowledge with ReSkillify’s Dee Williams

Rethink and relearn. Today on the show is Dee Williams, the Founder of Reskillify, and the Founder & CEO of Identifize Consulting. Dee has been a business and life coach for over 9 years. Reskillify offers online courses to teach other entrepreneurs and guide them through difficult tasks. In this episode we talk a bit about the ups and downs …

Being Paid Well for Quality Service with Joe Homebuyer’s Mark Stubler

Homebuying solutions. Today on the show is Mark Stubler, the President of Joe Homebuyer. Joe Homebuyer is a real estate investing franchise that provides a blueprint to purchasing deeply discounted properties. They offer ongoing support and help to others trying to buy and sell homes. They have 12 franchise locations, 2 cooperate and 10 franchisees that began in November 2019. …

Global Insights Through Travel with Trips and Chips’ Angela Hughes

Travel, food and lifestyle. Today on the show is Angela Hughes, the Owner and Vice President of Sales at Trips and Chips Luxury Travel. She’s also launching the Luxury Travel Entrepreneur Podcast. Angela is super passionate about travel. She homeschooled her kids while traveling around the globe and taught them about sending supplies to other countries.  Alongside Trips and Chips, …

Changing Your Perspective on Technology with Common Craft’s Lee LeFever

The pioneers of video explainers. Today we’re joined with Lee LeFever, the Co-Founder of Common Craft, and author of the book Big Enough, and The Art of Explanation. Lee and his wife began Common Craft as a consulting company. In 2007, they started to create explanatory videos on YouTube and went viral. These videos lead to a huge growth in …

How The Work Environment Has Changed with Ursus IT Staffing’s Jon Beck

Bold, fresh thinking. Today we’re joined with Jon Beck, the Founder and CEO of Ursus IT Staffing, and host of the Hire University Podcast. Jon started Ursus IT back in 2015, and has over 25 years of experience in the tech world. They specialize in staffing and recruiting talent. Ursus takes the time to fully understand where you’re at and …

The Civil Value of Home Ownership with Equity and Help’s Roger Salam

Becoming a homeowner. Today we’re joined with Roger Salam, the Founder and CEO of Equity & Help. Roger came from a real estate background and works with impact investing. His mission is to help 100 thousand low income families achieve homeownership who otherwise would be renters for life. They offer a program designed for the working poor to help them …

Being with Be Something Wonderful’s Tom Kearin

Become something wonderful. On the show today is Tom Kearin, the Founder and CEO of Be Something Wonderful. Be Something Wonderful is a coaching and consulting company that offers 1:1 coaching. The purpose is to focus on the present. Tom taught English and co-founded a company that worked to teach English but now he mentors others on their personal journey. …

Unshackling Women with Petia Kolibova

Be unapologetically you. On the show today is Petia Kolibova, the CEO and Founder of Unapologetically Abundant. Petia was like many of us, she became an entrepreneur on accident. She was fired from her job over 5 years ago and began her company Unapologetically Abundant. To her, loyalty and depth are her core values and she loves telling people what …

Internal Auditors with GoldSRD’s Danny Goldberg

Staff, recruit, develop. On the show today is Danny Goldberg, the Founder and Owner of GoldSRD. Danny started speaking in 2007 about professional development and in 2009 he left his corporate America job and went in to full time speaking. He has over 275 full day courses all about staff recruiting, professional development and executive recruiting. Danny says that IQ …

Marriage Education with Dr. Jackie Black

Are you a couple in trouble? On the show today is Dr. Jackie Black, a Marriage Educator and Certified Board Coach at Relationships are a beautiful thing, but can sometimes be troubling. Dr. Jackie teaches relationship education to help nurture couples who need some help to mend their love. She figures out what works and what doesn’t work for …

Serving Others with Coach Cam Courses’ Coach Cam

The missing piece in your success journey. On the show today is Cameron Campbell, AKA Coach Cam and author of the book 2019 Alpha: Redefined. Coach Cam is a USA Football master trainer. In 2016 he spoke in the Super Bowl and has done a lot for the sports community. In this episode we speak on how he got into …

Growing Through Adversity with Freedom Managed Services Jesse Castro

The safety of your data is top priority. On the show today is Jesse Castro, the CEO of Freedom Managed Services. Freedom Managed Services is known as America’s favorite cybersecurity expert. Jesse has been in business for two and a half decades and he’s working towards becoming a keynote speaker for his company. They work to prevent hackers from getting …

SaaS Solutions with Starting Point’s Ray McKenzie

Solving the disconnected customer experience. On the show today is Ray McKenzie, the Founder and CEO of StartingPoint. StartingPoint is a client acquisition, engagement, and retention platform built for companies and teams to grow revenue and increase client satisfaction through communication and engagement. They provide companies and teams a white-labeled client portal to increase brand awareness, client engagement and retention. …

Leadership Skills for Entrepreneurs with Arnold Leadership Consulting’s Carl Arnold

Mentoring with meaning. On the show today is Carl Arnold, the CEO, Coach, Facilitator & Vistage Chair at Vistage International. Carl grew the hotel business he was in to 1 million dollars in revenue. He had rooms in hotels saved for airline and railway staff and ran a shuttle service to transport staff to and from the airport. He sold …

Closing Better Deals and Making More in Real Estate Investing with Max Keller

Better deals with books. The guest with us today is Max Keller, the CEO and Founder of Savior Publishing. Max Keller has been through a couple careers in his lifetime. He began as a school teacher and then got in to real estate investing part time and eventually started full time working with senior residents needing assistance in moving out …

Cannabis Lifestyle Solutions with Medicine Box’s Brian Chaplin

Mindful Medicine. The guest on the show today is Brian Chaplin, the Founder and CEO of Medicine Box. Brian has 7 pillars of wisdom he uses to teach others; Nature, Music, Food, Mindfulness, Collaboration, Community and Recovery. Medicine Box is a cannabis company and Brian hopes to develop a holistic culture within his brand. He believes everyone is recovering from …