The Latest in SEO with Local SEO Search Inc.’s John Vuong

Bring in leads. John Vuong is the Owner of SEO Search and host of the podcast Local SEO Today. SEO Search focuses on full-service offering content and PR for the last 7 years. They deal with the hyper competitive market and help companies maximize their SEO status. John believes understanding your customer base is the first step to attract more …

Impacting Millions of People Through Mentorship with Mark Timm

Turn motivation into money. On the show today is Mark Timm, serial entrepreneur and co-author of the book Mentor to Millions. Mark believes that the secret to success is mentorship. In this episode we discuss the chances you have to take to become successful, and the beauty of failure. If someone has failed, they have learned. These ideas are all …

Saving Money by Going Green with EarthKind Energy Consulting’s Ron Kamen

Go clean and $ave green. Ron Kamen is the CEO of EarthKind Energy Consulting and host of the podcast AWESome EarthKind. Ron has worked for 20 years as a consultant to try and combat pollution. He tries to limit the use of greenhouse gas emissions for all businesses. Ron believes his life mission is to reduce the carbon footprint and …

More Effective Prospecting and B2B Marketing with Professional Prospecting Systems’ David Rankine

Marketing money. The guest for today is David Rankine, the Founder of Professional Prospecting Systems. David founded his company in 1997 and focuses on running marketing campaigns. They work with over 2500 clients of all business sizes. They provide the marketing solutions and directions to make your company’s sales flourish. Learn more about David Rankine’s ideas and his company Professional …

Connecting and Integrating Software and Applications with API Nation’s Michael Davidovich

Collaborative harmony. The guest for today is Michael Davidovich, the CEO & Founder of API Nation. API Nation is an automated system platform designed to link all of your software together. This makes it quick and easy for business owners to look at all of their digital data. App syncing can help put software all in one place. Learn more …

Streamlining Logistics Between the Field and the Office with Cleargistix’s Steven Toups

Make things simple. Steven Toups is the CEO and Founder of Cleargistix. Cleargistix is a software company that helps small businesses get away from paper and spreadsheets. They take the data input systems that the company is already using and implement an easy to use solution based software. Steven believes in simplifying things. Listen in on Steven talk about digital …

Strategizing your Marketing and Sales Process with SalesNexus’ Craig Klein

Surprising sales. Craig Klein is the President and CEO of SalesNexus. Craig began SalesNexus 17 years ago to help businesses reach new customers, manage customers relationships, and grow scales. They implement all essential elements of sales and marketing into one platform. They also work with marketing automation and generate leads for other companies. Listen in on Craig Klein talk about …

Using Intent Data to Action Your Leads with LeadSift’s Tukan Das

Find great leads. Today on the show is Tukan Das, the CEO and Founder of Leadsift. Leadsift is a B2B company that helps businesses with their data research. They search the web and find signals such as potential customers speaking to a competitor company and their automated system targets these leads and directs them back to you. Learn more about …

Franchising Strategies to Use in Business with Johnny Franchise’s John Francis

Fantastic Franchising. John Francis is the CEO and Founder of Johnny Franchise. John has a program called The Franchise Lifecycle 4 Phase Program and his business helps franchise owners to grow and scale successfully. He also mentors and helps struggling franchisees to understand if this is the right business for them. Listen in on John Francis talk all about the …

Data Solutions and Email Hygiene with Webbula’s Vince Cersosimo

Squeaky clean emails. On the show today is Vince Cersosimo, the Founder and CEO of Webbula. Webbula is a data solutions provider that works in two ways. They have an email hygiene platform that looks at the quality of the client’s email list to combat spam and keep the sales emails flowing. They also work with clients with misaligned data …

Selling Through Relationships and Service with Business Beyond Limits’ Wendy Y Bailey

Put trust in transactions. On the show today is Wendy Y. Bailey, the President and CEO of Business Beyond Limits. Wendy created Business Beyond Limits to help others build relationships within their business. In order to make sales there has to be a level of trust with the client and she believes that sales will happen naturally if you care …

Entrepreneurial Wisdom and Mentorship with Kevin Harrington

Meet the mentor. Kevin Harrington is an entrepreneur and business executive, and was a judge on Shark Tank. Today we talk about Shark Tank and the business opportunities that come from the show. Not only is it a funny and interesting TV show, it can also educate you to become a better entrepreneur. Shark Tank is responsible for thousands of …

An Entrepreneurial Community That Addresses Challenges with The Lonely Entrepreneur’s Michael Dermer

A creative community. Today’s guest is Michael Dermer, the Founder and CEO of The Lonely Entrepreneur. Michael helps entrepreneur’s take their passion and turn it into success. The Lonely Entrepreneur is an organization of like minded people trying to grow together. They offer tools like business templates, group coaching, and online support for anyone wanting to grow their business. Learn …

Running Real Estate Like a Business with Catalyst Group’s Stacy Bahrenfuss

Real Estate Wonders. Today’s guest is Stacy Bahrenfuss, the Founder and CEO of Catalyst Real Estate. Stacy started her idea of a company when she was 19 years old. She was working at a resort and saw how things shouldn’t work. She started her real estate company and built it up to a 7 figure company and ranked #15 in …

Replacing the Need for Single-Use Tableware with Bliss Foods’ Jessica Tishue

A Willy Wonka experience. Jessica Tishue is the CEO and Founder of Bliss Foods. Jessica has created a superfood and whimsical experience that helps the Earth all in one go. Bliss Foods creates sweet and savory options of edible cutlery like bowls, cups, and more. Their mission is to defeat single use plastic utensils and have a tasty treat on …

Saving Yourself More on Your Taxes with The Tax Cure’s Dusty Rollins

Easy tax solutions. The guest with us today is Dusty Rollins, the CEO of Oxford Business Solutions and The Tax Cure. Dusty started off running a construction company. When he visited his accountant he was told he owed a ton of money. This set him off on a journey to discover the tax world and soon his friends and family …