How to Use Social Media to Get Traditional Media Coverage

How to Use Social Media to Get Traditional Media Coverage

Are you newsjacking yet? Leveraging trending news for press attention is the hot social media trend sweeping the nation and all the cool entrepreneurs are doing it! Mega props to David Meerman Scott for originally coining the term, ‘newsjacking.’ I actually had the chance to connect with him at a Tony Robbins’ Business Mastery event recently. (pictured here!) I’ve been …

Boost Business Through Media Monitoring

How To Boost Your Business Through Media Monitoring

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” – Peter Drucker   When you meet with customers, do you carefully scrutinize everything they say–eye contact, leaning forward, actively acknowledging and signaling your agreement and understanding, etc.? What would you give to be able to listen in when they talk about you and your business with peers in their industry? …

Want to be an influencer? Improve your LinkedIn profile!

I need to repent. At Social Media Marketing World 2017, I spoke from the stage in front of 500+ attendees and said “LinkedIn? Yeah – go update your resume. That’s all I’m going to say on that.” **Groan.**  I’m so very sorry. I’ve since drunk the LinkedIn KoolAid. It seems that the social media platform for pros is experiencing somewhat of …

The best team is a PR team: Why you MIGHT want to hire a PR agency instead of DIY PR

There is the constant question of whether or not is it necessary to have a PR company help you with your publicity needs, but what you may not realize, is that there are things you simply can’t do with your DIY public relations plan. Having an experienced team work on your public relations is absolutely vital. Trust me, I’ve made …

how to get twitter verified and grow your authority & followers

How to get verified on twitter and grow your authority

Get verified on Twitter – and it will go a long way to gaining new customers and followers. It shows customers and journalists you’re committed to taking the extra steps to prove your business account is credible. Becoming verified also helps prevent other scammers from trying to impersonate your account.

The coveted and popular blue check mark on Twitter accounts signifies an account that is authentic and it belongs to someone of authority. You want that!