Press release fail fiverr

Press Release Tips 101: Fiverr news releases suck and can do you more DAMAGE than good!

Press Release Tips 101: Don’t waste your time with bad press releases!   A press release can be used to enhance your outbound and inbound media strategy. It’s not my favorite activity for most entrepreneur startups when recommending PR strategy. I’d rather you focus on building relationships with influential journalists and serving their audiences. That said… many startups want to …

how to get PR - networking with journalists media get on TV newsrooms and get public relations

How to get PR: Talk to the right people!

Want to know how to get PR? Talk to the right people! As an entrepreneur, I want you to get your foot in the door by being a reliable source to the *right* reporters. And, get the FREE media coverage your business deserves! This will ultimately help increase sales and grow your business. It’s exactly how I built a multi-million …

twitter for connecting with journalists and getting in the news

Twitter Publicity and PR to grow traffic and sales

Twitter publicity: Make sure you know what you are doing before you Tweet all about it! Want to connect with more journalists and reporters who can help you and your business get in the news? Twitter is THE platform for best connecting to 90% of the media folk I know! It goes without saying that by being an active part of …